Why would they reach out to a bunch of rank amateurs?
Drumpf knows more than the generals. And Rudy is a one-man State Department.
People are forgetting that Herr Coir Coif hires only the best people, with the best words. And he has a very good brain.
Administration complete. (snaps fingers)
This is what happens when you put a wombat in charge of flying an airliner. As Oliver said. “You are pretty fucking sure this is going to end badly.”
But you can bet he knows where the nearest KFC is!
Ummm hellloooo…???
President Pepe is a little busy right now draining the swamp and appointing his kids to key positions
We don’t need no stinking badges!
Asked on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” who he talks with consistently about foreign policy, Trump responded, “I’m speaking with myself, number one, because I have a very good brain and I’ve said a lot of things."
"I know what I’m doing and I listen to a lot of people, I talk to a lot of people and at the appropriate time I’ll tell you who the people are," Trump said. “But my primary consultant is myself and I have a good instinct for this stuff."
Work with the DOD has been delayed while the Trump team tries to locate Brigadier General Jack D. Ripper to lead the effort.
They can’t even handle this. This. This is too much strain for the Trump administration. Really think about that. It’s not going to get any better even once they’ve filled all those empty seats, because the people willing to work for Trump will be as terrible as the people he’s got now - just more screaming heads to point fingers at one another.
Work with the DOS has been delayed, because the transition team has insisted on a meeting schedule that will allow Giuliani to avoid exposure to sunlight.
“…has not reached out to officials at the State Department or the Pentagon for briefings…”
Don’t know why they would … Trump knows more about ISIS than all the generals.
Thanks, Obama.
All the generals we’ve got now. Just you wait until Russia has sent over our new Joint Chiefs of Staff.
Christie did, but since the team has distanced themselves from him, its total chaos.
As an avowed isolationist why would trump need state or defense?
What did Josh say, “We’ve got to…something, something…republic…something”…
Theodoric of York, Medieval President-Elect.
And if trump knows more than the generals you can be damned sure he doesn’t need advisors or a cabinet. Upper righ panel is appropriate.
The trump method of selecting a cabinet:
“Look, Donald. It turns out it was direct line the whole time.”
“That’s super. Send Chris a nice fruit basket. One of the small ones.”