“We had to destroy the village to save it!”
The bill is dead, dumbass. With it died all your leverage.
Not even Hitler would stoop so low as to sabotage Obamacare.
If it weren’t for the damage this would do to far too many people, I’d say, “Bring it on!” He has no leverage here, Democrats have no incentive to work with him, and Democrats would have some wonderful attack ads.
The real problem with this is that statements like this are sabotage, in and of themselves. This will likely spur some insurance companies to leave the exchanges and others to raise their rates.
An acknowledgement of complete failure. He can’t get Obamacare repealed, he can’t get his tax plan passed.
…the politics of a President actively sabotaging a program that benefits millions would be an interesting thing to witness. I don’t even think his brain dead hillbilly supporters could find a way to blame that on black people, gay people, immigrants or whomever.
This is the kind of stuff that ought to result in articles of impeachment. The ACA is the law. The courts have not (yet) overturned the CSR subsidies.
Whatever became of his oath to protect and defend the Constitution to the best of his ability. I’ll grant that the best of his ability is likely piss-poor, but stepping out to say you’re going to make a mess of 1/6 of our economy just paints him as an idiot.
Orange Pustule Hitler Speaks:
“Nice little insurance policy you got there. Hate to see somepun’ happen to it”
“Hey Vini, didja deliver dat horse head to Schmucky-Chucky yet, yea”
I hope he does “Bring it on” because the backlash would be so swift and so severe he wouldn’t know what happened. Remember, those affected most by his callous and ignorant decisions affect those who (formerly) supported him most.
It’s also nice that he announces his scorched earth policy in advance so the Governors and representatives of those states can begin getting their earfuls ASAP.
What an a##hole!
Let’s destroy millions of people’s lives to “show those Democrats” !!!
What an a##hole!
He’s openly stating in an interview that he’ll use the health and well-being of millions of Americans as extortion to force the Democrats to negotiate. That’s his gambit. Well played!
I’m going to put this gun to my head and threaten to pull the trigger unless you negotiate with me. That was in which chapter of his book? Hurt the people who put you in office and threaten the Dems with it. He is a moron without the oxy.
Fuck you.
It is already TrumpCare/GOPCare. Happened the second he signed the EO to weaken the IRS enforcement of the mandate. You own it asshole.
edit: more precise indication of what the EO did
This is pretty much what I expected. Except there’s one detail he doesn’t mention: the law still says Insurance companies shall get those funds. So (as I understand it) if they bring suit there’s still a judgement that can be enforced. Just makes things that much more difficult.
What I don’t see (but hope to) is the targeted ads, county by county in red states: “Donald Trump has announced that he is going to raise your insurance rates by (amount of lost subsidy) per month to punish democrats. Call the White House. Call your congressperson.”
Every article talking about potential future sabotage needs to mention that Republicans have already been sabotaging it every chance they get. For example, see Rubio and risk corridors.
The ACA has never had a chance to succeed or fail all on its own.
This only worked in “Blazing Saddles” (but the guy holding the gun to his head was the smart one in that instance…).
Amateur hour!
Don’t call the idiot. Let him call you.
amazing to me how these douchebags think that the health insurance market works in a vacuum, and that destruction of the individual insurance market won’t negatively impact the non-individual market
pre-ACA, my employer based plan was getting hammered annually by premium increases without any corresponding increases in coverage or reduction in deductible, but with massive CEO bonuses being a hallmark of the system, I fully anticipate the same market response when the R’s succeed in crashing the current system, followed by a substantial economic downturn due to the evaporation of “discretionary” consumer spending on items like… food, clothing, energy