Discussion: Trump Tosses Red Meat To NRA Crowd

Let me explain my problem with that headline succinctly:

“Hitler Tosses Red Meat to Nuremberg Crowd.”

See the problem? Extremist speech by leaders has meaning and consequences. Pretending it’s just meaningless patronization of supporters normalizes deviancy and validates extremism.


“He ran as supposedly the best friend of the Second Amendment and has become gun grabber in chief,” said Michael Hammond, legislative counsel to the Gun Owners of America. Hammond said his members were upset Trump had approved a spending bill that included background check updates. “We’re not confident at all. We are very disappointed.”

“Gun grabber in chief”, Mr Hammond? Are you totally psychotic? To be fair, psychosis may be a job requirement of the legislative counsel to the Gun Owners of America.


Next massacre, Donnie will be hinting he is ready to take on the NRA again. That’ll last for maybe 3 days.

Can we just give him the Nobel now and get that over with?

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I distinctly heard echoes of “Denn wir fahren gegen Engeland.”

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He’s having some problems lately, so he needs some lovin’ from the Cult. Another Red Hat Rally is planned next week to feed his ego.

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And “Gott mit uns” with the Bible Charlatans.

The NRA needed some income-boosting PR for their gun manufacturing corporate daddies, so they got Trump to stop by and give a speech before he flits off to play golf at Mar-A-Lardass with what’s-her-name, that plastic woman who got her visa for being a genius.
I am sure Trump will do as well for the NRA as having Harvey Weinstein giving a lecture on sexual harassment at a N.O.W convention.
And I am sure that the far more intelligent and more competent and more sane than Trump students who survived the Parkland massacre will have plenty to say about Trump’s speech, and Trump, being driven out of his mind by the Mueller probe and failures like the Ronny Jackson nomination and the Giuliani clusterkerfuffle, will surely finally fuck up royally and go after one of the survivors on Twitter. You know it’s going to happen, folks, and he, and the NRA, will regret it dearly.

It appears Mr. Hammond got the word “gun” confused with the word “pu**y”.

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Just remember, NRA:

Everything Trump Touches Dies.


Has any supporter of the 2nd amendment figured out there is 1st amendment.

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Which doesn’t bode well for New York City, the State of Florida, or the USA.

OTOH, after the Bankruptcy, we can Reorganize.

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Yes. Yes he is.

The mental disease “Ammo-Sexual” should be added to the American Psychiatric list of recognized psychiatric disorders.

Always got to get some ego stroking after more shit comes to light.

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“Trump Tosses Red Meat To NRA Crowd”? So American school children are the new red meat?


Speaking of Donald’s red meat


In keeping with the Red Meat scenario, Trump also went off on immigrants (probably a winning topic at NRA), again saying countries are “send up their worst,” claimed the Parkland shooting was the fault of local law and social services, that 98% of public shootings happen in places where guns are banned (like the NRA convention?), Chicago has the “toughest” gun laws in the country, but they haven’t been effective (due to Pence’s Indiana gun imports), and if guns are outlawed, “all vans and all trucks” must be outlawed as well as the “new form of death for the maniac terrorists” such as the white canadian misogynist.

Trump also said Kayne West “must have some power” Reuters poll he saw showed his support among black males jumped from 11% to 22% in the last week (N= 200 [yes, that is a joke of a poll. Trump got 8% of the black vote in 2016, and is still about 71% disapproval among black Americans]).

Another one bites the dust: Dr. Jen Peña, physician to Vice President Mike Pence has resigned. Probably because Ronny Jackson is still on the White House medical team and they had sparks, and Trump is attacking anyone who attacks poor Ronny.

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Too bad we don’t have fact based analysis of reality…

More evidence that fewer guns is means a safer environment…

Agree. The headline should read:

One Very Big Sociopath Talks To A Room Full of Sociopaths. Insanity Ensues.


Standing at the podium throwing red meat is probably the best sex he has had in sometime.
Shoulda checked to see if Blackburn was stuffed in the podium.

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