Discussion: Trump To Republicans: 'I'm Sorry I Did This To You'

Discussion for article #243726

“I say, folks, you know, I’m sorry I did this to you, but you’ve got to
get used to it,” Trump said. “It’s one of those little problems in
So now Trump’s ruination of all we hold dear is a “little problem”?
Jesus tap dancing Christ… we’re going down the tubes folks if this travesty gets elected. Does he not realize that he will destroy what took 2+ centuries to build?


“Look, I understand what they’re going through. I wasn’t supposed to be here. I was a member of the establishment seven months ago,” Trump said. “I’m not supposed to be doing this. You see I’m supposed to be on the other side writing checks and having people do whatever I want, puppets, like puppets.”

Wallace asked Trump what his response was to the GOP officials.

“I say, folks, you know, I’m sorry I did this to you, but you’ve got to get used to it,” Trump said. “It’s one of those little problems in life.”

Slowly shaking my head back and forth, a somewhat perplexed look on my face, I have this to say: What a fucking bizarre exchange.


“I’m supposed to be on the other side writing checks and having people do whatever I want, puppets, like puppets.”

Lays bare the whole rotten system.


Jesus tap dancing Christ… we’re going down the tubes folks if this travesty gets elected. Does he not realize that
he will destroy what took 2+ centuries to build?

He doesn’t care if the country is destroyed. He just wants his ego stroked.


As he brazenly pretends that he “isn’t on the other side writing checks and having people do whatever I want, puppets, like puppets.”

The duality and deception is Trump’s application of proven Bernaysian principles. There is nothing new under the sun, only new branding.


People who think Trump is acting on the Clintons’ behalf needs to ask themselves if the Clintons would want this nation so divided, dismantled, and destroyed by the things he’s been saying. I would argue not.


The “sorry I did this to you now get over it” sentiment tells me he’s not really sorry. That’s as close as he’ll ever get to being polite.



now mind you, that’s called being tone deaf, but at this point what else is new with him?


Instead of writing checks to puppets to do whatever he wants, he’ll just skip the middle-puppet and do whatever he wants himself.
It amazes me that people think he will be working for ‘them’ or the ‘good of the country’.
Nothing in his life indicates that will happen.


He’s being ‘supported’, if that’s what it mean to answer pollsters, by under 15 million Americans (based on a turn-out in 2016 of 130 million, which is optimistic, of which at most 115m will self-identify as either R or D, so around 55m registered Republicans who will end up voting, of which he’s holding steady at around a quarter, so … mayb 14 million? At any given moment, we have more than twice that many adults and 3 times that many Americans of all ages suffering from a level of mental distress significant enough to merit medical care.

He’s certainly saying a lot of stupid and harmful things, but he’s also could be doing some good, because if nominated he won’t be elected, and if not nominated he may cause one of the two major national political parties to fracture when it really needs to be broken up.


In the words of failed Texas Republican gubernatorial candidate, Clayton Williams, regarding how women should react to being raped, '‘If it’s inevitable, just relax and enjoy it.’'

The RNC should take their medicine the Republican way–just relax and enjoy being Trumped.


“Bernaysian”, hmmm hmm, sounds pretty saucy.


Trumpster juice, dripping out of the back of the Repub truck. When you’re near it, it makes you retch a little.

The Americans Bernie has been attracting usually do not come out for Down Ticket. They did come out twice for Mr. Obama. They may well not come out for Hillary if Bernie doesn’t get the nod.

If Republicans turn out to vote against their best interests, it is Democrats who DO NOT come out to vote FOR their best interests. Under the circumstances, the Democratic Party needs all the help it can get, ESPECIALLY DOWN TICKET.

Trump is doing his part.


“Look, I understand what they’re going through. I wasn’t supposed to be here. I was a member of the establishment seven months ago,” Trump said. "I’m not supposed to be doing this. You see I’m supposed to be on the other side writing checks and having people do whatever I want, puppets, like puppets."

I’m not sure, but that statement reminds me of a Shakespeare play; Just not sure which one…

“I say, folks, you know, I’m sorry I did this to you, but you’ve got to get used to it,” Trump said. “It’s one of those little problems in life.”

‘without meaning to…screw it, the Cialis and Viagra folks can’t be happy about this’

Instead of apologizing to Republicans – Does Trump ever really apologize? – the Donald owes a huuuuge apology to the American people for making wild claims that have seriously aggravated our efforts to combat extreme Jihad, ISIS, and al Queda. His irresponsible proposal to block all Muslims from entering the U.S., in effect declaring war on all Muslims, will do nothing except victimize blameless followers of Islam and effectively enhance the recruitment and radicalization efforts of ISIS. If that is not treason, if such is not giving aid and comfort to America’s enemy, then I do not know what is.

Yes, Trump should be sorry and should apologize, to all of us!


Sorry, Donald, you don’t get to take credit for this one. The GOP establishment did this to themselves. You wouldn’t be on that stage if they hadn’t spent a half century stoking racism, misogyny, class warfare, and xenophobia. You wouldn’t be up there and leading in almost every state if the GOP hadn’t promoted and elevated any asshole with something nasty to say about the president. You wouldn’t be a factor at all if instead of spending 1/20/2009 finding ways to defeat the president, they spent their time figuring out how to work with him. The idea of you running for president would’ve been a laugh out loud joke to even the GOP base if their leadership had pushed back hard against birtherism and called it out as racism. If the establishment hadn’t spent 7 years demonizing and otherizing the president, your message of hate and intolerance would’ve fallen on deaf ears. The only reason your candidacy ever took off is because the establishment invested years and years and hundreds of millions priming the base for your candidacy. You didn’t build that, the establishment did.


Trump is exposing and laying bare the quid pro quo between the corporate kleptocrats and the Republican party.


Not the country… but the contemporary GOP yes, absolutely.

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