It is reassuring to note that in his selections Donald Trump’s cabinet reflects “real” Americans.
Crazy religious ideologues of questionable mental stability with an assortment of certifiably crazy people and some downright fucking stupid idiots.
What could go wrong?
I think Egyptian grain storage expert would fit him better.
I think.
Yeah, it is amazing Trumpenstein nominated another idiot who already publically stated he doesn’t even have the moxie to drive a car!
It’s almost like Trump is trying, and trying hard, to fail by building the most incompetent, divisive, highly RW orthodox, freedom-challenged Cabinet and supporting cast of all time. Perhaps he’s totally blind to this fact and only sees loyalty (or money) as the qualifying factor. I mean, think about it. Even Nailin’ Palin would be better than Carson and that’s not saying much.
Has he nominated any women?
DeVos ?
Trump hopes that Carson can heal the trauma from 50 years of blacks being heard from.
“Ok, here’s your black. Bye”.
Ben…is part of ensuring that this is a Presidency representing all Americans.
what about him makes you think that??? Could he perhaps be more transparent.
By the way, exactly what makes him an expert in Housing or Urban Development?
“Urban” has been a code word for “black” among conservatives for decades.
Dr. Ben is black.
I almost guarantee this was the calculus used by the Trumpalos to put Dr. Ben in charge of HUD. It also gives them the “I can’t be racist, I hired a black guy” excuse that they love so much.
Oh, what could go wrong? – It’s not like brain surgery, folks. /s
This takes “Heckuva job Brownie!” to an entirely different level.
He’s just … we can be sure that … this will be … sorry, I got nothing left. Let’s just get it over with. Keep resisting, keep fighting, stay vigilant, stay strong.
Pretty much what I was trying to say with my comment–what do you think he means by representing “all Americans”…obviously code for–“look at me–I’m not racist, I have black friends”
“He is a tough competitor and never gives up.”
Yes, those qualities really showed through during the primaries.
She’s not a woman!
She’s the Devil in disguise. Heck, he’d be more even-handed and fair than this Amway huckster.
I guess carny-barker Trump sees his reflection in her: smoke, mirrors and take the rube’s money!
There is a sucker born every minute!
Maybe the dumbest man alive. Perfect for increasing homelessness, then blaming the victim.
This isn’t what you do with a department you care anything about the success or continued existence of. It’s like giving a visitor a souvenir ashtray. What the hell do “the blacks” have to lose? Having anyone in the administration who gives them a moment’s non-hostile thought. From 1/20 on, if you’re not a rich white male you’re on your own. If we’re wise the rest of us will start forming what alliances we can.
What type of qualifications does one need to lead Housing and Urban Developement? I ask because it doesn’t seem like someone who has degrees in medicine would be a good match. Is there a different set of requirements when one leads a government program as opposed to the private sector?
Carson must be desperate. A former neurosurgeon being head of HUD?
I wonder if this is just a figurehead position and that the real work is done by assistants.
It just seems to be a very odd, mismatched choice.
Not to mention Carson seems like he’s losing his mind.
He’s live in a house. In a city. He’s qualified!