This has to be some sort of mistake----this woman actually has government experience.
She’s a right-wing hack and none-too-bright, but she has actually worked for the government in the past, which should have disqualified her for the job.
She works for Fox News.
She probably explained something on Fox in words Trump could understand, so he figures she can get the Daily Briefings and explain it to him. (“Putin Good. Iran Bad! Good Fascists Taking Over Bad Europe!”)
White Condi…
And so it continues - with the added bonus of “protege of Henry Kissinger”, which we can’t protest because our candidate is a known Kissinger pal.
Brilliant, Trump.
Well, that’s a positive aspect as far as The Trumpanzees are concerned.
yeh, but that’s a dangerous predicament for everyone else.
the none-too-bright strikes me as exactly what Donald wants (possibly one reason he avoids National Security briefings). He has to be assured that he knows better than the generals and anyone else in the room. The blind leading the blind. Heaven help us.
Is this part of the “draining the swamp” thing…???
Trump thought heavy vetting was something different and decided against…are Hillarys black helicopters still spying on KT?
They never stopped, silly.
The woman is insane.
Looks like he’s gonna fill cabinet positions with figureheads and try to run everything out of the White House (Monday through Friday)
Actually worked in the government in the past in the general area to which she is being appointed. Fixed it for ya.
KT McFarland - I thought she was a country singer
Steve Earle is working on the new song as we speak.
Dear Ideologically Pure Person
See the following from the High Priest of your Church.
“attribute responsibility for the Chilean Coup to Hillary Clinton” ?
David Brock, is this more of your fake news/paid internet trolls thing again?