Discussion: Trump To Name KT McFarland As His Deputy National Security Advisor

I’m pretty sure I first saw her looking in a mirror in the classic 1937 film, “Snow White and Seven Dwarves.”


Would that be Kruella Traville? oops that’s the Dalmatian one.


You are the one who said that Trump had brilliantly chosen KT McFarland because our own presidential candidate was morally tainted and compromised by association with McFarland mentor Kissinger . Or did I misconstrue you?


If you had taken 100 random Trump supporters and put them in a room with a list of names and resumes, they might have come up with a cabinet and group of close presidential advisers that looks a lot like what is being assembled. They don’t care about experience, quality, or connections to Wall Street or the alt-right. They wanted “different” (and, importantly, white) and that was as far as the analysis progressed. They won’t realize or care that they’ve been conned. They got to pick a “winner.” If things don’t work out, they will be given an “other” to blame.


There is this sad Iranian movie from the early 1970s, Dariush Mehrjui’s “The Cow”. I saw it last in 1985, but recently I think about it. It’s sort of the ultimate conspiracy movie.


“She lost the GOP primary for the New York Senate seat, but eventually landed a gig as a Fox News contributor.”

Faux News, the place where GOP losers who need work all too often end up.


Totally unrelated, but when is the last day for all the votes to be counted.

I’m asking for a friend.


I just now realized when Trump said “heavy vetting” he must have been thinking heavy “petting” and simply mis-spoke.


A Faux News contributor.
How marvelous.

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Following Trump’s example, she can keep the Fox job and work for the White House too. With a Kremlin-Pravda sort of bonus.



I think it varies by state, but the EV College deadline for certification is 12/10 I think.

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so much for draining the swamp.

All I can recall from German: Mit schneeweißen Klängen und den sieben Zwergen

Ya know, Saint Ronnie appointed a bunch of saboteurs. They knew their job was to render ineffective whatevever agency to which they were appointed.


She wants to “stir things up in Iran”. Gee, worked so well the last time, maybe she wants to keep doing it until we finally get it right.

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A typist/speech writer/pundit… this will end well, not.

Anyone know this about Flynn, his pick for NS advisor?

Most significantly, Flynn makes a point of ignoring rules that he finds “stupid.” So, for example, he set up a private computer and Internet connection in his Pentagon office, even when he was told it was against the rules. He also shared classified information with NATO allies that he thought that they should have, even though he was explicitly ordered not to do so. If those two offenses ring a bell, they should, because those are almost exactly the same crimes that Hillary Clinton was accused of committing. Well, except that she may have allowed classified information to fall into the hands of those who should not have it, while Flynn definitely and knowingly gave out such information. As we and others have pointed out ad infinitum this election season, intent is the bright, red line between breaking the law and not breaking the law, and Flynn definitely had intent.


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"promotion and resume inflation McFarland claimed that Clinton was so worried about her candidacy that she sent secret helicopters to spy on her house
in the Hamptons and also cased her apartment Manhattan. “Hillary
Clinton is really worried about me, and is so worried, in fact, that she”

All all Don’s pick going to be as insane as he is?

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All I can say now in this atmosphere of quantum physics gone mad…is… I can never play Bridge again… unless the bid involves a “no trump”.
Is this McFarland person ready to have her advice ignored on a regular basis?

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