Discussion: Trump To Create Space Force As New Branch But Under Umbrella Of Air Force

Will they be in charge of building the wall?

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oh, it’ll be Kanye

That was my first thought: I didn’t even know the Trump organization made spacecraft.

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If you zoom in on the patches, they read: ‘I don’t care, do u?’

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for whiter whites

Might be better to get someone who’d be even happier with the uniform. Bootsy has announced he’s retiring from live performing, so…

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if only to see General Kanye’s wife space cadet Kardashian in her spiffy uniform

this isn’t the deluded ramblings of a tycoon manque - this is SPACE FORCE we’re talking about here. show some respect

I used to think that the idea of a space force was pretty stupid considering we have NASA and the Air Force’s already established missions in space,but after listening to Neil Dygrassi-Tyson( shit,spelling?) on Bill Maher I think it might be a pretty good idea. We had the Army Air Corp and then the Army Air Forces before the Air Force ,this could be a similar thing. I dont like our president,I think hes horrible,but we cant dismiss potentially good ideas because we hate the son of a bitch so much. Please God though,can we get a better name than space force?

Pretty much. But then, that may be his advisers and the Chiefs talking some sense into him. I mean, US Space Command already exists. If you want to violate the treaties we’ve signed against the militarization of space, then it just makes sense to either do it under the aegis of the Air Force, or expand Space Command into a full branch, like the Army Air Corps was.

That said, doing it first is stupid.

The first step, if you’re looking for actual operational ability, is bulking up the USAF’s ability to conduct operations in space. This lets you screen all the black-budget items as ‘advanced aircraft research’. The only reason you spin it off and then start building it up (which is how the $100M figure works: it’s $100M to change the nameplates on the offices, basically) is if all you’re looking for is the showy facade.

Which we all know is what he’s after. So it makes sense.

New uniforms? This is being spun off of the branch that wanted to do away with uniforms entirely. I’m sure they’ll have some snazzy bright dress blues, but their dailywear will be… probably shorts and flip-flops. After all, they’ll all be down near the tropical launch facilities all the time, stretching that $100M out to last the whole year long. That’s gonna take a lot of hard work and research to find the most economical margheritas and pina coladas.

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You mean, like the one we already have?
Air Force Space Command, activated Sept. 1, 1982, is a major command with headquarters at Peterson Air Force Base, Colo. AFSPC provides military focused space capabilities with a global perspective to the joint warfighting team.
Maybe we can just keep this one, but let Ivanka design new uniforms!

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LOOOOONG before that:

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More like “Flesh Gordon.”