Discussion: Trump To Create Space Force As New Branch But Under Umbrella Of Air Force

Uniforms designed by Melania


Trump only knows how to think like a mobster and money laundererā€¦how do we know this so called ā€œspace forceā€ isnā€™t just a shell game scheme to get money for his mid evil useless wall.

How do we know if Trump wonā€™t steal this money from the space force and reallocate to a ā€œgolf course shortage national emergencyā€?

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Space Force? Why, Black Bush supports this unconditionally!

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Fat Ass announcing a program called ā€œSpace Forceā€ is like me going on national TV and screaming ā€œBrassiere Toothpaste!!!ā€ on ā€œMeet The Pressā€ while foaming at the mouth and jumping up and down on a pogo stick.
And, of course, Chuck Todd nodding approvingly.


Iā€™m pretty sure he never read (or didnā€™t understand) the Icarus myth. Heā€™ll go.

Heck, that might even advance peace in the Middle East.


Who will be the General? Buck Rogers?


Thatā€™s quite the group. Iā€™m going for Kanye. He has more experience as a space cadet than any of the rest of them.


Come on you know he will want Princess Sparkle Plenty.

Iā€™ll actually be for it if he renames it ā€œStar Fleet.ā€ In the meantime, while we wait for the aliens to invade, he can announce that heā€™ll combat handsy men by starting up ā€œFox Force Five.ā€


Just wait until they show the new uniforms.

Iā€™ll bet money that they include a CROSS or some form of Christian regalia.

The Air Force was chosen by Trump to run this because it is completely compromised by Christian Dominionists who make up a huge portion of his core supporters.

Takes an act of Congress. The part where reporters keep acting like it doesnā€™t take an act of Congress because that would interfere with the breezy light mockery is kinda getting on my nerves because the real story is that it turns out, itā€™s right there in Article I, Section 8, three separate clauses that put this under the purview of, well, Congress.

Could he order the creation of an Air Force Space Corps reporting to the Air Force Chief of Staff? Based on the USAAF precedent, yes. But he canā€™t organize a ā€œSpace Forceā€ that reports to the Secretary of the Air Force and has a seat at the Joint Chiefs table the way the Marines report to the Secretary of the Navy and have a Commandant who is on the JCS.


Thatā€™s why Trump has his shiny, new SCOTUS, to green light violations of the law.


ā€˜Its top civilian will be ā€œa new undersecretary for space.ā€ā€™

I guess if you hire a real estate guy you get what you pay for.


Can we vote to send him there? We can even build him his own gold-plated moon base. It might be worth the investment. He could be moon dictator for life.


So as expected just another boondoggle for The Brassā€¦

How many more (1000s) of Generals do we need, for sure the lowest ranks will see squatā€¦

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Flash Gordon

New Chinese-made hats and T-shirts.

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Cā€™mon, yā€™all, think: Two wordsā€“Space Isis!

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Dear Ms. Riga - I like your work, but when writing on this subject, you need to use the correct terminology many of us have learned from countless hours reading science fiction -
allow me:

Interplanetary Leader has decreed that Space Force will be under the extra-terrestrial umbrella of the old-world Air Force. According to NewSource 3, it will cost less than Vice Admiral Ivankaā€™s wardrobe. Its top civilian will be ā€˜a new undersecretary of spaceā€™.
Governing Body of All Worlds will be allocating the credits for constructing this Galactic Venture.
All Hail Interplanetary Leader.

youā€™re young, youā€™ll get the hang of it.


itā€™s good that heā€™s finding new frontiers to fail on