Trump says water boarding is “minimal minimal torture”
A. It is torture by his admission
B. He supports its use as some sort of cleansing action on America.
C. Torture is illegal
There’s a myth among right-wingers (or, what sane people call a “lie”) that pork in the body disallows a Muslim from entering heaven upon death. It’s based on ignorance of the Islamic faith. It’s also, from the perspective of a true believer in what Trump is proposing, an unbelievably disgusting concept. The people supporting what Trump is alluding to are fully on board with threatening a whole population with the idea that they can be denied entrance into heaven based on the type of bullets that other mortals are shooting and killing them with.
Trump and his supporters are scum, basically.
The army did waterboarding while in control of the Philippines. Now TR had an army general cashiered after the crimes were revealed, but then again Roosevelt considered that act to be mild torture, so there…
Didn’t the army learn it from the Philippinos?
I’m going to start a rumor here in the Arid Zone that when western “sagebrush rebel” beef cattle ranchers try to take over federal reserve lands, like wildlfe sanctuaries and national parks, the FBI will be armed with rubber bullets smeared with tofu.
and the latter learnt it from the Spanish
MSM is 100% responsible for this and should be held accountable for Trump. He does not exist without the MSM.
They are not doing their job. Simple as that.
Good work. I think there’s more here:
Based on a hack writer’s magazine serial, developed by Hollywood hack writers, directed by a second tier action director. I remember a Moro rebel prisoner being reduced to gibbering horror by the prospect of being touched by pig flesh.
Maybe Trump awoke from a drunken stupor early one morning, couldn’t find the porn channel and saw this through Grey Goose goggles long enough for it to make an impression on his reptile brain.
ok yes we torture but hey a lot less than the other guys…jesus fucking Christ are trump and his followers a bunch of fucktards
What’s really funny about this is the thought that the Bundy Ranch/Oregon bird sanctuary idiots didn’t even need to be shot en masse with bullets dipped in some sort of boogeyjuice. They tucked tail and ran when they were sent a box of dildos and told they were getting cut off from their internet connection.
Not exactly–waterboarding was a lesser charge in the indictment.
James Bradley, who wrote “Flags of Our Fathers”, followed up with a book on our conquest of the Philippines titled “The Imperial Cruise”. Short book with facts on our long use of water-boarding as an “interogation procedure”.
Trump says waterboarding is “minimal, minimal, minimal torture” for which we hanged several Japanese war criminals after WWII (although apparently for the slobbering RWNJs the circumstances of WWII were not nearly as critical or threatening as the dire situation now).
On the other hand, adherents to a religion need not necessarily understand their own religion with perfection. My grandmother was certain that unbaptized babies belonged to the devil, for instance. And lots of Americans think that Jesus wants you to mail lots of money to people who ask you to do so. So it is not impossible that some muslims might superstitiously believe that their trip to heaven might be blocked by pork. Or not. I would bet that they would in any case react with horror at the sight of well-fed Americans doing mystifying things to pig blood.
Trump added, “So we better start getting tough and we better start
getting vigilant, and we better start using our heads or we’re not going
to have a country, folks.”
Lets get just as nasty as ISIS!!
Err … wait
Damn Tucson hippies anyway!!!
‘Minimal torture’??? WTF? Oh gawwd’ you just can’t make this shit up.
Oh Donald! You’re BFF agrees with you!
Yes. Absolutely mind boggling that anyone running for president would equate water boarding or torture of AlQaida operatives who killed 3,000 innocent Americans on our own soil with a story (whether true or not) of mass genocide by an American general whose people we were trying to subjugate because we could. This is not to defend torture in the former case, but only to point out how shallow and uninsightful Trump must be to ignore the context of his obviously unvetted story.