says the guy who sold out the country to the highest bidders.
My new fav statement (totally stolen): it’s just locker room treason.
Well, I think the National Anthem should be played before every shift of every work day at all places of business in the United States, and any employee who does not stand proudly at attention through the entire song each time it is played - and anyone who shouts “Play ball” before the echo of the last note has faded - should immediately be deported from the country. It should probably be played hourly at the White House and all Trump and Trump-branded properties since those are the most patriotic of all places filled with people who love the country more than any others.
I also think that anyone caught in the restroom during the playing of the anthem should similarly be deported. As well as those at home who do not stand in front of their TVs.
ETA: (The National Anthem should immediately be followed by the Two Minute Hate, except on Sundays at Evangelical Churches - then it should be the Five Minute Hate)
Sure Donald whatever but the main topic here is multiple provable instances of blatant corruption starting with the campaign and continuing into your presidency. When we’re done dealing with that maybe there’ll be a minute or two left to talk about basic rights guaranteed by the Constitution but we’ve got a lot to work on before that.
This is fascism, pure and simple. The Republican Party should be ended forever for becoming the Party of Trump.
What about draft-dodgers with fake deferments? Should they be in the country?
The GOP’s fascism fetish has been on display since (at least) Nixon.
Yeah, Donald you tell us. geeze, he finds new lows every day to try to deflect from Mueller. Its too damn early to be listening to his bullshit, I am gonna go drink coffee and refrain from kicking the dog.
That’s perfect! But should those at home,especially the children, feel obligated to turn in dad, sitting in his man-chair while enjoying a 2nd pregame beer, if he can’t snap to attention as the Anthem plays?
Why of course they should, this is AmeriKa after all.
Reminds me of what they told us in school when I was a kid in the USSR. Except of course, they’d make you stay in the country.
Dogs everywhere thank you
Are those with debilitating bone spurs allowed to Tweet during the anthem?
He did serve his country by staying in the country, “successfully” avoiding STD’s.
Jets acting owner: I’ll pay fines if my players don’t stand for national anthem
I like your modest proposal.
Extend it to include something about the nutritional and financial value of poor children and you might very well have a successful presidential campaign on your hands.
(Assuming Trump ever lets anyone else run.)
Time to start deporting kneeling athletes. Caveat: there should be a waiver if the coach says “take a knee.”
And is still selling.
Reported elsewhere:
On Wednesday, league owners approved the mandate that requires players to stand if they’re on the field or stay in the locker room during the anthem. Any violations of the policy would result in fines from the NFL against the team [and the team] would be allowed [to] penalize a player as they see fit.
And there was a movie about it:
Stand for the cult song today, dear leader tomorrow