He just makes shit up.
The president with a shrunken, cranial cavity of a moth will never loose an iota of support…
…from the coalition of Deplorables and Nativists, fully immersed in racism or apathy of ruby-red states.
Money and proft comprise all of reality for this shallow… little man
Trump comprises all of reality for this little man. Money and profit are just part of it. It’s all TRUMP.
Making shit up … or hauling it out of his ass fully formed is what a “stable genius” can do. Sad part is tens of millions of low information idiots will accept whatever he says. No matter how insane. Trump could say space aliens have formed in battalions on the border and are fixin’ ta raper yer wimmenz… and his followers would hurry to build bomb shelters in their back yards in Oklahoma… hundreds of miles north of the border… because they accept whatever he says.
Here’s the wild thing with Trump. You can show him evidence he’s wrong. Flat out hard objective evidence. He believes his ‘gut’ knows better and even if the facts are wrong, he thinks the facts will change down the road to show he’s right.
That’s scary.
Nevertheless, Oklahoma sent a Democrat to Congress in the midterms for the first time in over 35 years I believe. Kansas elected a Democratic governor.
I’ve seen evidence that we made significant inroads into rural voting. Then I read something like Krugman’s piece that claims we’re more divided than ever. Which is it? Well I can see with my own eyes the Democrats who were elected.
Let me know which other Americans you want to kill.