Discussion: Trump: Terrorists' Family Members 'Know What's Happening' When They Attack

Discussion for article #243470

United States Constitution, Article III:

Clause 2. The Congress shall have Power to declare the Punishment of Treason, but no Attainder of Treason shall work Corruption of Blood, or Forfeiture except during the Life of the Person attainted.

Can’t “go after” families in the way you would like, Drumpf


“At least I would certainly go after the wives who
absolutely knew it was happening, and I guess your definition of what I’d do,
I’m going to leave that to your imagination,” Trump said.


Is Trump aware of the details of what happened in San
Bernadino? Farook’s wife WAS WITH HIM. The surviving “family member” that Trump
would then want to waterboard is a 6 month old baby. Or does he want to
waterboard the Grandma and Grandpa?

My son lives 120 miles from us. Were he to do something
monumentally stupid that I know nothing about, would Trump want to waterboard
me? But then I’m white so I guess I get let off.

So, which of the 9/11 bombers was married? And where do
these women live Trump? Bet’cha not here in the US of A. So are you saying you
would endorse kidnapping and rendition? Do we go down that road yet again? Do
we employ torture for sadistic reasons? Do ya wanna watch video of the “interrogation”


This ras clot does not care about the Constitution. He wants to be CEO (dictator) of the US. Donnie has never worked for someone else. As CEO he has never answered to anyone…ever. So he has zero idea what working with the courts or Congress is like. He thinks they’ll lay down to him. He’s a frigging clear and very present danger to the country.


I want a real journalist to ask Trump what “go after” means. Are they just going to question her? Ok, that sounds reasonable. Is he going to waterboard her? Ask the hard questions, fourth estate!


“Just like my family knows everything that goes on in my boardroom. You don’t want to know what that would have cost me in legal fees without pre-nups.”


Donnie said “family members”. The closest member to Farook is his 6 month old child. As I said up thread, does Donnie want to waterboard the child or yell and harangue it with questions he/she will not be able to respond to? Will Donnie send beefy agents to beat the shit out of the Grandparents?


Grandma & Baby Farook should find a safehouse-- stat!



I suppose we should not expect Farce The Nation to ask follow up questions and risk the loss of RWNJ guests.


I guess Trumps family members must endure his long winded descriptions of his nightly conquest activities with Mrs Trump the IV’th and whatever else happens in his sordid life.


Just as long as we torture SOMEONE…


Trump: “I would go after” family members of terrorists…
what I’d do - I’m going to leave that to your imagination…"

Should the Christian family of the last terrorist who attacked Planned Parenthood go into hiding?

Cousins too? :confused:


Of course the FBI and local police can investigate family members of mass murders, especially Radical Islamic terrorist.

Sorry, he’d just dance around it. He’s essentially a bullshitter, that’s the core of his personality. People like him impress impressionable people, and as Twain said if you have all the fools in town on your side, that’s often enough of a majority to stay afloat. These days when you contradict someone over a political belief they’ll simply question your evidence, call it partial, because at least for these purposes there’s no such thing as a shared objective reality any more. Breitbart says Trump’s been vindicated on the cheering thousands, OK? IT’s complete moonshine but if you want to believe it, there it is. Said it before, we’re through the looking glass at this point.


Unless their names are “bin Laden”. Then they get a free government plane ride home.


Piss off

Edit: And justa’s comment was removed


Know who else went after people’s families?


Trump, racist that he is, wouldn’t see a threat from white folk. It’s the “browns” he hates. The “other” with “that” religion he does not understand in the least. It’s very interesting to me that in his final sermon Mohammed said (with emphasis) that all people are equal whatever their race or sex. And he said this in ARABIA at MECCA during the Hajj… in the 7th century. Today in America that message would fall on deaf ears of a large segment of our population.


Justy, I remember a time when you were welcomed here and treated with respect because we wanted someone who could articulate a more conservative take on things. You’ve changed. And you’re violating the terms of service. And you’re wrong. And you’re contributing nothing to this discussion but ill-natured partisan abuse based on ignorance and a willful misunderstanding of what people are saying. So like ASDT says, piss off. You have no role to play here.


You’re not going to make friends and influence people by opening up with “you’re an idiot”, and unless you personally knew the family members,you can’t make the case for a conspiracy as you’re trying to do.

A demagogue is sucking all the air out of media which questions almost nothing of what he says, and everybody’s happy because the ratings are up.