Given that “treason” is only an offense when our country is actually in a declared war with another country, this speaks volumes about Trump’s attitude toward law enforcement.
Also what he doesn’t know about the definition of the word.
Just another bullet point on the list of things the dotard doesn’t know.
You’re about to learn a great deal on the subject of national betrayal, what is is, and the penalties it carries, pal. Don’t worry, it’s coming, oh my yes.
I wish the Journal had quoted him instead of apparently paraphrasing.
Treacherous treasonous traitor says what?
Projection time for the stable genius. Welcome to the studio.
President Donald Trump said Thursday that text messages critical of him shared by FBI employees amounted to treason, the Wall Street Journal reported.
And shitstain calling other countries “shitholes”
Are we to understand that Dear Leader thinks the First Amendment applies only to him?
As the probe gets closer to bringing him down, I fully expect his—and his lackeys in the media—definition of treason to include running against him. And then, voting for someone running against him.
Hell, I expected that to happen even Without the probe.
Damn, we finally know the source…thou shalt have no other gods before me.
Attila the Hun, Josef Stalin, Adolf Hitler, Pol Pot, Mao Zedong and Emperor Palpatine would all agree…
(Watch what you say, or Trump will send the F-52s after you!)
The pattern could not be more clear. Whatever he accuses someone else of doing is a reflection of his own actions, betrayed by his own damaged psyche. And now there it is, the deepest darkest reality:
Again, it was easy to dismiss earlier characterizations by others and myself that Trump is the face of a new American fascism seizing power. But here it is.
This man must be removed from power, and now!
It also speaks volumes about Trump’s ignorance of the Constitution. I seriously doubt that he has ever read it, much less understands it.
I doubt even he knows what it is.
and weren’t these emails traded DURING the campaign, i.e., before Trump was elected? So they were comments about a citizen who happened to be a candidate, right?
How could they be ANYTHING, much less treasonous, when they were merely critical comments about a citizen? And what about statements accusing a sitting president of non being an American citizen and “pulling the biggest hoax in history” - are those treasonous too, Donnie Boy?
Enough is Enough, this Shithole President needs to go.
Shorter Lyin’ King: It’s time to enact leggy majesty [lèse majesté] laws.
@teenlaqueefa Majestätsbeleidigung. Even better, more befitting the das Lieber Anführer!
If calling Trump an asshole amounts to treason, then about 65% of the US is in big trouble.