Ok, I’m getting in on the ground floor tonight. Usually I come late.
So, can we declare him psychotic and delusional and invoke the 25th amendment remedy?
Obama: Nope, Donald, that’s still fake news. Or “alternative facts”. I’m not quite up to speed on the lingo right now. The point is, I’m on vacation and you’re stuck in that actual hellhole for four years.
Undocumented Russians: He is wrong. We voted for him and that’s why he won.
Spicer: We all know that is a Real Fact.
Kelly ann: This is not an Alternate Fact. President always speaks the truth as required by Bible and Constitution.
Lovely to see Nancy and Chuck all nicey-nice with Trump - everything’s normal here! We Looove being in the minority.
Note how Nancy is protecting herself in that picture.
He’s STILL harping on election results. How will Twitler handle a real crisis? We’re screwed.
He won’t handle the crises; Kushner will. Which is better, but not by much.
@tiowally But Breitbart/Alex Jones/Trump4Life Freedom Daily said~…
Oh bullshit donnie …
On election day … they were all busy knitting hats !
another of preznit tini hands alternative universe facts
I guess nobody’s explained him that undocumented immigrants can’t vote? Or that he’s implying he needs to ramrod immigration reform through in order to gain their votes? Or … FFS I’m tired of even trying to understand.
He said it “from the heart.”
Undocumented immigrants like, in his world, Obama.
Basically, what he means is that anyone of Mexican descent is probably not a legitimate voter. Not in his alternative reality.
He’s making Nixon’s paranoia look almost tame by comparison…
I want to get a bumper sticker that says “I’m an undocumented immigrant and I vote!”
Yep …
donnie has MORE paranoia… with LESS control ----
Regular movie made for television —
Dear dog, the man actually believes his own bullshit. His ego can’t take any slights, so he convinces himself that he didn’t really lose the popular vote due to in-person vote fraud by millions of undocumented individuals, despite all evidence in the real world.
We are in deep, deep trouble here.
Nixon rambled and raged in private because he was drunk. Watch/listen to Trump’s speech at Langley. Burbling nonsense held together by a thin string of self-aggrandizement, broadcast to anyone strong enough to bear it. And he was totally sober.