Discussion: Trump Tells Hill Leaders: Undoc'd Immigrants Lost Me Popular Vote

He keeps meeting new coworkers and putting his best foot forward. I really do think these are DJTs best feet.


Oh poor wittle Donnieā€™s fragile ego canā€™t handle the fact that he is, and always will be, a popular vote LOSER.


Kellyanne was able to hold him together in the campaign once they got him to largely stick to the TelePrompTer. Now he has to speak his own words again in some situations, but he knows nothing about policy and he canā€™t say anything remotely intelligent or knowledgeable. He just falls back on the crap he sold to the disaffected hoi polloi during the campaign and his pathlogical narcissism.


Too bad there isnā€™t a long term rehab for his condition!

(well there is, actually. Itā€™s called a mental hospital)


One of the traits of narcissism is charm. Iā€™m certain Mr. Trump can be very charming in person. Nor would a polite person show the disrespect and disdain they (and we all here) feel for this man in this context, and expecting them to here is unrealistic and unfair. There is still a level of decorum necessary to the survival of our institutions.


The Jared Hovercraft is so fucking weird. Heā€™s looking at Trump the way I looked at my kid while I fed him, waiting for the strained carrots to drool out of his mouth so I could quickly catch it with the spoon, anticipating how it would be happening at any time. And I would catch myself making the mouth that I wanted him to make, the ā€œoooh, ooh, no like this mouthā€. I donā€™t think Trump can be without him - like a guide dog or familiar hospice worker.


In other words, California.


Will someone please just take this man aside, tell him ā€œYou are fucking crazy - you need professional help before you hurt yourself or, more importantly, millions of Americans and others around the world.ā€ And then have him committed. I am serious. Say this kind of bullshit to your supporters when youā€™re campaigning - fine, I get it. But you are in a meeting with people who (should) know better. Just stop. But he canā€™t, can he?

And when the media reports something like Trump talking about this to Congressional leaders, they need to include that what Trump is saying is demonstrably not true - and that he is either lying, completely unaware of basic truth and facts, delusional, demented, psychotic, insane, etc.


I wouldnā€™t doubt it a bit that heā€™s got the sani-wipes ā€¦

Strategically tucked throughout that 1000 $ suit ā€”

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But right before they shoot me Iā€™ll say, ā€œHey I was being sarcastic. You know, just like Mr. Trump?ā€ Theyā€™ll love it!


It will be far safer for the US and the entire world if we give PeePee the sole mission of finding each one of these illegal voters over the next 4 years. Tell him that nothing else matters, there is nothing else he should be focused on - just get out there with his team of crack investigators (are they still in Hawaii with their ā€œamazing discoveriesā€?) and document the name and polling place of each illegally cast vote. Then he can turn over those lists to each state elections division for them to investigate and report back.

Because this here is a massive conspiracy carried out in thousands of polling places by tens of thousands of election workers and millions of ā€œillegalsā€ and nobodyā€™s talking except our brave pissident!


How soon before a foreign leader, a union leader, a proffesional government employee, or his wife upset him enough that a major crisis developers? ( of course we are in the middle of a major crisis already but not yet recognized by media, R legislators etc.)


But non of Trump Mfg can say MADE IN AMERICA


Maybe Dean was correctā€¦ There is a cocaine problem?


Reminds me of an anti-war protest at the Texas Capitol way back. Some legislator had stupidly parked his car next to the building - they had special tags and special parking privileges - and the vehicle was covered with stickers by the end. In fact, just about every vehicle we saw walking away that night had anti-war bumper stickers adorning their rear bumper after the rally. I wonder how many lobbyists and legislative aides didnā€™t notice why people were honking at them the next day. :wink:


There is no evidence to support Trumpā€™s claim.

ā€œTrump lied aboutā€¦ā€ is a far more accurate and parsimonious phrasing.


He TOTALLY won the popular voteā€“all you have to do is deduct all the people who didnā€™t vote for him. Trump FTW!


Oh crap! Why donā€™t they just throw a net over him and commit him to the nearest asylum?


Wellā€¦ they didnā€™t anticipate this when they penned the 25th amendmentā€¦ By the time he gets a quorum in the cabinet room he will have convinced the rest of the sane world that he is as nutty as a fruit cake.

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