BLOTUS tells “friends” he’s worried about impeachment and “friends” immediately tell media.
So much for loyalty and NDAs. Sucks to be you, BLOTUS.
I’m guessing he’s mainly worried about getting charged for all the illegal shit he’s done.
The bulk of the Republican caucus, however, is remaining steadfastly by his side.
Probably because they have have so much shit against them.
Easy cure for your anxiety, Donny-Boy.
Fat Nixon echoing Tricky Dick Nixon… who says history doesn’t repeat?
Friends? The Oberbefehl Scheisskopf has friends? Who knew! I wonder what sorts of NDAs his so-called friends have to sign?
At first I thought this, “Trump’s worry is poisoning his mood” was “Trump’s worry is poisoning his food.”
Spacial distortion, I guess.
How could this possibly be, Mr. No Collusion Witch hunt? What could you have possibly done wrong?
Any luck in finding your new COS, can’t imagine why it’s so difficult with all the candidates lined up and ready.
There is no need to worry about impeachment. You always have three choices. Resign and declare you won. Let the 25th Amendment process do it for you and declare yourself the winner. Die and make the whole world come.
Per NBC News, Trump’s worry is poisoning his mood, sending him on a rampage through the White House, lashing out at friends and foes who cross his path.
Something about this strikes me as simply hilarious. There are limits to denial, and reality seems to be sinking in. If schadenfreude is wrong, I don’t want to be right.
Poor guy. If only there was something he could have done differently.
He’s not used to having problems he can’t bluster his way through or buy off.
His ‘friends’ include tabloid publishers!
Good news, everyone! Trump has progressed from the Denial stage into Anger. Okay, that’s not entirely good news, but wait there’s more! We can all look forward to Bargaining, Depression, and Acceptance. At this pace, we could have his resignation by New Year’s Eve.
Fake News! He has no friends.
He does not. Not even a dog. But there are some people willing to listen to him out for their own benefit, we can call them “Auditive Prostitutes”, and yes it must be a pretty disgusting job, worse than Stormy’s.
You know what’s worse than a cornered beast? A cornered moron.
YOU KNOW who SHOULD be afraid of IMPeachment??? Hitlary, that’s WHo. WITH the collusion WITH rUSSIA dossier and seLLING all of OUR URanium TO RUssia. And HER BEnhazi SERVER which SHE acid washed (stuck in the 90s?) AND all THE OTHER stuff SHE did, CONSPIRING with RUSSIA to have TRUMP be president.
And them Muller gets Pence, and guess where we are?
Will my April 1 predication come true??
Attention, anyone still thinking of applying for the COS position, please read this:
Trump’s worry is poisoning his mood, sending him on a rampage through the White House, lashing out at friends and foes who cross his path
And. best of luck to you!