I imagine he’s raging at some of those magnificent portraits of himself. They’re much cheaper than needing an NDA.
Two weeks ago, resignation would have been my prediction for the end of the Trump Presidency. The current prevailing wisdom is that staying in office is what’s keeping him from campaign finance charges. He is trapped in a job he hates.
Great picture choice. A sad and lonely old man. He’s an unspeakable kind of person, a boor, a hideous portrait of corruption and self delusion. But the “agon” is cleary reflected here. In a very small way, I pity him. And there it is.
Impeachment is literally the least of your worries. Your biggest worry is being charged in a conspiracy against the United States with a hostile foreign nation, along with numerous other extremely serious crimes going back decades. Forget about impeachment. You have bigger problems.
His history of deal-making indicates this will lead to poisonous levels of schadenfreude.
Let’s just hope he isn’t lashing out at any of the historic artifacts in the White House. You know, if he can’t enjoy them, the next POTUS certainly shouldn’t be able to. Sort of a Presidential flipping the chess board over.
Getting sloppy with the glue patch
What about all the billions of dollars, stacked neck high on a pallet, we “literally” gave to Iran?
I’ll wager that leaks like this one will only increase, now that he’s limping
Maintaining his hair in prison - now that’s enough to really drive him over the edge.
Friends tried to distract him with some card tricks, to no avail…
She sold our ONE uranium…
As Donny sees his life, career, presidency and legacy as of today.
Edit [That is actually sort of mesmerizing. ]
The bulk of the Republican caucus, however, is remaining steadfastly by his side.
What people forget is the Republicans in the Senate remained loyal to Nixon right up to the tipping point. When they flipped they almost all flipped at one time and Nixon resigned. Will McConnell remain loyal if Mueller can really tie Trump to Putin?
Trump is a blustering bully in public but a coward in private at heart. He routinely has others take risks to do his own always dirty work. The default tactic of Trump, using a base about whom he does not really care, but has riled up as a threat, first to the Republican convention and now the country itself, has been transparent for a long time. He would incite civil war if he thought he could escape without serving in it.
He wins … at being the weakest man this country has ever had as its President.
The prize? Early retirement.
It will take years for restorationists to remove all the faux gold plating that Donnie coated the interior of the White House with.
Those wings are glued on ? Jesus, for the life of me, I still get dizzy trying to figure out that fucking hairdo.
The One Where a Delusional Idiot Gives Benedict Arnold a Run For His Money
From the fumes more likely.