Discussion: Trump Swats At Paul Ryan, GOP Leadership At Pennsylvania Rally

Sounds like Trump was relatively calm and composed. That won’t last long.


The therapy bill for that kid is going to be huge. Yuge!


“Isn’t it really sad that we don’t have stronger leadership on both sides?” Trump went on.
“But that’s change if we win November 8th.

GWB redux.
Fortunately, with far less than 54M slobbering flagwavers to project him to an election win.


I was seriously thinking that at least one woman would have come forward by now with her story about HOTOG assaulting her. Not that I would wish the experience on anybody, but a first-person confirmation would really bolster the case against him.

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Such a woman would contact either the Clinton campaign or the press. In either case, there would be some “extreme vetting” before making the charge public.

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BE AWARE! If you click on the “brag about” link in this article it brings you to Katrina Pierson’s Twitter page.

Ewww, ewww, ewww. I and my computer feel dirty and soiled and it has nothing to do about her being a woman.

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So, it’s like last week never happened. Trump is still Trump going forward and the only difference is that he’s lost about 10% of his support, proving again that Hillary was wrong in her assessment that “half” of Trump’s supporters are deplorables. It is more like 90%.


We just need one brave woman to come forward with a compelling story. That should trigger the “Cosby Effect”.

Slightly O/T-- but really is, the topic?

Went back and looked at Silver’s/Wang’s/Sabato’s final prognostications for Obama/Romney in 2012.
None of them hit BHO’s 332 EVs on the nose.
As a matter of fact-- all understated that total by a state or 3 (319/303/290).

Today? We have 333/319/341 as of yesterday/today.
(And we haven’t seen the revulsion-to-stalking-onstage polls yet.)

So, here’s a cup’o morning cheer from Larry Sabato’s Crystal Ball (as of Monday 10/11):

Now, let’s make this a reality. VOTE.
Take a friend, neighbor, or acquaintance to the polls with you.



Paul Ryan and the Republicans who just recently discovered who The Rump is, are the deplorable ones. They all support The Rump, whether they admit it or not. Every day of their sorry careers have been spent making the world as much to The Rump’s liking as they can get away with. Every last one of them, if reelected, will spend another 2 years doing more of the same.

The roof is on fire. We don’t need no water; let the mthrfckrs burn.


It would be ironic if Trump won but both houses of congress went D. Then they could treat him like Obama was treated and do nothing…well except he’d have them all throw in jail and declare a formal dictator, or for him actually a dicktatorship!

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All this sounds like Germany in the 1930’s. you can plug in the names as you see fit.


That boy is clearly not old enough to consent to being kissed. This is sexual assault of a minor.

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We don’t need no effing irony. Trump must be kept out of the White House. He shouldn’t even be allowed to have a tour ticket. The only way to make this happen is a vote for HRC. Not for some third, fourth, or fifth party candidate, for HRC.


If you want Putin for President, vote for Trump.

Trump recited false information at a rally from a Russian disinformation op as fact. It had not been reported anywhere else. How did Trump get it?
At a rally in Pennsylvania, Trump held up a piece of paper and proceeded to report a false story that had only been reported by a Russian controlled agency, Sputnik, a Russian propaganda outlet.



I’m not a Muslim, but I’d like to report an old man abusing a child in public in Pennsylvania.


I think he paid them off, contingent upon their signing a Non-Disclosure Agreement… Then he only paid them a fraction of what he agreed to pay them… Then he told them to go ahead and sue him…They will be tied up in court for years…and never collect.

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No. We need to recognize that Trump’s supporters are not all hard-core racists, xenophobes or Islamophobes. Many–most–of them are people who feel that life has dealt them from the bottom of the deck. The world they grew up in, the world they were led to expect would be theirs, has been taken away, and they don’t know how to cope except by anger, outrage and a demand to put things “right.” For the good of the country, and the Democratic Party, we need to reach out to them and to show them that they can have a better life than what they have now, even if it’s not the one they imagined.


Agree completely. It’s up to Hillary to send the right message, especially after her “deplorables” attack.
The blame is with the party leadership and big money donors, not the average voters.

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