Must grapple with knowledge that so many of my neighbors are closet assholes, and I don’t know which ones.
I’m sorry.
That’s why I left Texas. I was tired of the assholes.
Someone wrote " FUCK THIS COUNTRY" across the sidewalk in black spray paint last night and there were protests.
We call 'em “red hats,” now.
Aaaah, good times. I sure can’t wait for the GOP to deliberately cause the first minority riots so they’ll have their excuse for delivering police state style spankings to entire communities.
At least there is ample snow in the backcountry here in which to ski. No assholes. Skiers tend to be green, and the moose and wolverine leave you alone.
I just decided that I now understand how Jack’s mother felt when he brought the magic beans home.
Not all of Texas is bad. I just saw a large group of students, I would say, marching down a main thoroughfare and blocking traffic here in downtown Austin. Groups of dozens of stragglers running in all directions trying to catch up with the march. Not one Bernie t-shirt that I could see. Maybe the next generation of activists and organizers? My hope springs eternal.
I’d like to apologize to all of the international posters here in TPM for what my country will do over the next 4 or 8 years. I’m deeply sorry.
Mr. Marshall:
I know times are tough there. The scoreboard failure was a major disappointment for me, and I am having difficulty processing things, as we all are. But - could you please take a moment to remove the prediction scoreboard on your main page’s masthead that still predicts a Clinton lead? It feels a bit… salty to those who have wounds. Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter.
Oh good god…
We’ve seen all the creeps and cretins and bigots and haters and brain dead people Trump has surrounded himself with during the campaign, and we’ve seen some of the same among his supporters all along. But now we’ll get the full panoply crawling out from their rocks and caves and sewers to spread what this vile, ugly little parasite has enabled and released into open society. Unify the country, he said? No, you little freak, not behind you. Never. Not until you and the vermin of hatred you’ve encouraged and released are back in their sewers. Keep an open mind, Clinton said? Really? If you’re sane and you open your mind to this putrid crowd you’ll vomit. And never mind the woolly-minded shit about meeting hatred with love. That gets people killed and locked up and tortured and crushed. No compromise, no forgetting, no forgiving.
Who didn’t see that coming…
George Lincoln Rockwell would be proud of this moment.
He’d also likely be a good fit in Trump’s cabinet.
This is from the CBC last night. A truth bomb.
My neighbors here in Texas were crying with me last night. And this graffiti is in my hometown. So where should I be living?
Minorities were asked, just yesterday as a matter of fact, if they wanted police brutality aimed disproportionately at themselves and their neighbors. They replied Yes.
Trump to do list:
- Rename FBI to KGB;
- Send in KGB to shut down NY Times and Washington Post for new crime of “Slandering Herr Trump”;
- Nuke Iran for that time their sailors gave our sailors the finger;
- Build wall somewhere anywhere (because I promised) and make Mexico pay for it;
- Nuke Mexico for not paying for nice new wall around Mar-a-Lago estate;
- Nuke N. Korea on general principle;
- Put that Khan family and Alicia Machado and that guy who wrote and said mean things somewhere;
- Think up something bad to do to Carly Fiorina, Megyn Kelly, Ana Navarro, Gloria Allred, and women to be named later;
- Lurk around White House tourist line looking for 8-10s to grope when their backs are turned.