Discussion: ‘Trump’ Swastika Graffiti Appears In South Philadelphia After Election

I’m glad for you that you finally did that. I hope you are much happier.

Right where you are. I’m up in Dallas - I read Harris Co went totally blue last night - congratulations. We won a number of state races and that can have a big affect on our every day right here.

Things actually are shifting here in Texas.

I feel everyone who is wary of who is around them now, but I wouldn’t bet that all the nuts are down here, if you’re sincerely worried.

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Thanks Bernie:

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This is from the CBC last night. A truth bomb.
Danielle Moodie-Mills: Trump win is ‘white supremacy’s last stand in America’

Bravo! This Moodie-Mills speaks the truth that no one wants to acknowledge, much less talk about. The notion that racism did not play a huge role in yesterday’s election because Obama has high favorable ratings is puerile sophistry. For the last eight years Obama has endured obstruction and attacks precisely because many of the same people who voted for Trump have been completely unable to abide the fact that there is a black man in the White House. Obama gets high favorables from the rest of us because he and his family have endured this with grace and optimism.

  1. Get a three–no seven–mistresses. One for every day of the week. Put them in the Lincoln Bedroom.
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My friend posted on Facebook that on the school bus today a bunch of kids started chanting “Build A Wall”. My friend is first generation America-Peruvian, her daughter is half Irish/half Peruvian (ALL American) and she’s only 8.

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I added one. Will add yours.

And tonight is the anniversary of Kristallnacht.

It can’t happen here…right?

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@tiowally, Exactly. When David Duke says “This is our last chance to save our heritage” it is merely a less subtle version of MAGA.

Don’t worry - you’ll find out soon. Even quicker if you’re friends with them on FB.

Hey - at least TPM wasn’t responsible for votecastr or whatever the hell Slate’s piece of crap was called…

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This is why I don’t do Facebook. Daughter called me this morning crying about what the assholes were saying on FB.

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Toronto’s nice…

My former director of a flute chorus I was in while living in CT wrote on FB today.

Her daughter works at the University of Alabama - Birmingham. This morning, on campus, they woke up to printed literature on their doorsteps. From the KKK.

Welcome to our brave new world, folks. And so it begins.


Vancouver is really nice and CAD is down against the USD :blush:

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  1. Look into this “intern program.”
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