Discussion: Trump, Still Railing Against Media, Says NYT's 'Intent Is So Evil And So Bad'

As you put it, it’s because he desperately wants their approval. It further eats him because it’s the Times which is the premier NY newspaper and it’s yet another reminder that his home state hates his guts

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@commimigrant–"“The fake media is the opposition party. The fake media is the enemy of the American people.” If he means Breitbart, Fox, and InfoWars, I am good with that.

Rule 1(a): If you’re at the point where you’re blaming the New York Times, the problem isn’t the New York Times.


Absolutely true.

Fake media was developed by the conservative movement, and continues today.

The man every Republican called a conman continues to con Republican voters. Trump doesn’t reflect Republican values.

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This should cause a 5:00am Twatterstorm. Interactive on “just how abnormal” this WH is

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he reflects GREED, the core republican value. he uses Fear and Hate, the fave GOP tactics. despite the shitstorm he has created, most still support him, but will have to own him. they are gutless wonders.


Trump insisted to Breitbart News reporter Matt Boyle that he is not “against” the media."

“It’s not the media. It’s the fake media,” he said. “There’s a
difference. The fake media is the opposition party. The fake media is
the enemy of the American people.”

OK, what’s the difference between the “media” and the “fake media”?
“media”= Breitbart, Fox
“Fake media”= every other outlet

Family photo! Thanks.


That “evil” media is definitely having an impact. All of the major polls are continuing to show a downward trend.

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Stop the talking in generalities, have your staff prepare lists with citations of exactly how evil the Old Gray Lady is.

Point by point with proof.

It would make you look really good! /s

good advice. buy liquor not gold. i’m going to make a stock up run. just in case.


Draft dodging adulterous bankrupt sexual predator said what about the NYT?


I think I know what he’s going to go off on during his performance in front of Congress tomorrow night.

The evil press.


Big increase for the military. Big cuts everywhere else. A lot of suffering in our future. I suspect NIH will not have enough for grants under trump. Time to forget about medical cures. Every non defense entity will be slashed into muscle and bone.
This is gonna hurt folks, a lot.


and some Democrats who rolled the dice, they’re the ones to decide this. If he loses them it’s all over.

The only thing that will seriously cut into Trump’s support among his GOP supporters is a general economic clusterfuck, and it will take a year for even that to have an effect on them. Unless somebody in the FBI, CIA, or NSA spills to a media outlet whatever evidence of a Trump-Russia connection that’s really damning, he’s not gonna be taken down that way (and a good portion of the deranged, cuck-obsessed GOP base would be perfectly happy to turn the country over to Putin anyhow). Unless he has a stroke or heart attack, I think he’ll finish out his term. The best we can hope for is that the Dems can somehow take back the Senate in 2018.

there are untold minefields waiting for him and he has a propensity for stepping on them.

Very true, but so far it hasn’t damaged him the way it would other “normal” politicians. When he made the remark about shooting somebody on 5th Avenue, everybody thought he was nuts, but he was right. I’ve stopped assuming that the normal laws of political gravity apply to his support, especially Evangelicals. He could fuck a goat live on TV and his Evangelical supporters wouldn’t be horrified—they’d want to know where they can get their own goat.


Rinse in Trouble?

makes no sense

It’s a longstanding American Nazi credo that “liberal” journalists in the U.S. are predominantly Jewish and that Jewish journalists (along with Jewish bankers) are part of a global conspiracy of liberal elites working secretly to enact the New World Order. Duke occasionally seeks to evade the anti-semitist label by claiming he’s only attacking Zionists, not Jews, but he seldom makes that distinction in his tweets.


The evil press
His magnificent landslide election win
His magnificent budget proposal (huge increase to the military, cuts everywhere else)
How dead ISIS is cuz I am Donald the Great
The oil in Iraq is ours.
I am The Donald…all must bow and scrape.

@tena, my plan is to watch “The Blob” while DT speechifys.

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All eyes (well, of those who watch) will be on the audience. Any Dem who cheers anything “because that’s what you do at these events” is asking for career-ending trouble.

They need to show up, bear witness, and leave no doubt who the real enemies of the people are.


“Hug your children,” Child is currently away on vacation but she will definitely be hugged on her return.
" pick up liquor on the way home," Check. Currently imbibing same.
“and be optimistic within reasonable bounds”, My optimism waxes and wanes a bit erratically these days. It’s somewhere in the middle at the moment.