Discussion: Trump, Still Railing Against Media, Says NYT's 'Intent Is So Evil And So Bad'

The christian conservatives and Republicans of today are beginning to look a lot like their Western European counterparts of the 1940s.


May he end his days with his face planted in a taco bowl.

Five-o de May-o is coming up. That would be almost soon enough.


nyt: the emperor is dead. may he rot in hell.

that should cover it.

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Speaking of which, Gallup’s daily tracking is 54-42 at this point – this is the plateau I was talking about when he hit 56-38.

We haven’t even seen the constant high 30s zone yet. Unless a real huge bombshell drops to instantly sink him to the bottom (25%), this is about how this or that negative slowly sticks and erodes him, so… it’s testing our patience. And perseverance.


He said that he sees “hit after hit after hit” when he reads the New York Times on Sundays.

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Don’t tell Jesus’ favourite evil dead Emperor that former Emperor W told the press that it “serves as a check to the addictive power of the presidency.”


Et tu, brute? :stuck_out_tongue:

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Hitler was much, much better at this. The question is: How gullible are the American people?


But @antisachetdethe, if your servin’ vegetables to Someone in a persistive vegetative state, aren’t you forcing Him to commit cannibalism? :stuck_out_tongue:


“But on its own it might not do the trick as we’d imagine and hope. I don’t like it any more than you do but that’s what I think.”

You’re not alone in that belief. Still, while you are right that simply proving that Trump colluded with the Russians would not on its own bring him down, I think the other two conditions you identified–his political support falling sufficiently and the power brokers realizing it’s over–would in fact be operative very quickly. The rhetorical power of “treason” is just too great for Republicans in Congress to be able to defend him or look the other way. And while the 25-30% of hardcore Trumpers would stand proudly with him (yelling “America first!” the whole way), the Independents would flee. I think we saw with Flynn’s resignation that some basic political laws still apply to Trump. And his obvious fear of his Russian collusion being exposed suggests that he realizes this too.

Hopefully we will get a chance to see our theories being tested. And soon.


25% of trump supporters are kool-aid drinkers, if that helps.

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Most of them have voices in their heads so when they masturbate does that count as group sex?

Sorry, Auntie, it only counts if they have multiple personalities :-[

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Ok, I don’t want to see anybody bottomless in here.

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You can make a pretty good case these things are happening now. Even Masha Gessen, who is not famous for being irrepressibly cheerful, is heartened by the way Trump has hurled himself into a series of disastrously precipitate moves. Everything in his past and present argues that he will be a disastrously unsuccessful President. It really verges on inconceivable that he would do well. That pretty much tells you what the future will be, barring some all-too-conceivable disaster that renders it moot who’s President. Hug your children, pick up liquor on the way home, and be optimistic within reasonable bounds, that’s my suggestion.


Enjoy hitlery Laibach

Oh, great. So Zio=Zionist? How clever. This shit makes no sense.

I hope you’re right.

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O me too. :wink:

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40% of eligible voters didn’t take the trouble to vote. the protest voters can see what their non-choice has done, we can hope. there are some reality based-gops out there. i foresee a really swirly trump flush coming. there are untold minefields waiting for him and he has a propensity for stepping on them. i am waiting and resisting. and, btw, comey can eat shit for what he has done to this country.


“Trump, Still Railing Against Media, Says NYT’s ‘Intent Is So Evil And So Bad’”

If by so “So evil and so bad,” you mean that they (and the Wa Po…) are going after you about your many lies about Russia, then yeah.

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