Discussion: Trump, Still Railing Against Media, Says NYT's 'Intent Is So Evil And So Bad'

I believe the correct term is “bottomless”.

(Paging Dr. @antisachetdethe… )


With his attention span, I can’t imagine he does much more than headline hop…


Mazel tov to those with the ability to produce unlimited supplies of adipose triglyceride lipase.


I’m thinking that this administration’s FDA might be the best chance to get the long suffering French Fry As Food Group Act law passed.


Sure is taking its dear sweet time…dammit.


I’m assuming you mean the Republican voters think Trump is more credible, because the GOP in Washington surely does not. They are just cynical as hell, as usual. I also think it’s small amount of his voters, the barely educated ones that he loves so much.

French Fry and Catsup As Food Groups Act
Would qualify, that way, as two servings of vegetables.


It’s the Zio-Media over on David Duke’s twitter feed:


a new ‘fog of war’. yeah i’ve been thinking the same thing. i hope we are wrong but we both know he would go low in desperation. the military must Not be used as political diversion.


He started this war with the media because he knows there is enough out there to bring him down and he decided to adopt a nuclear first strike strategy.

The fact that he is escalating the war tells me he’s scared of something that’s coming.


If you read the New York Times, if you read the New York Times…

So he does read it everyday lol.


That’s what I have been hoping to see… and waiting for.


O god me too.


The poor, poor NYTimes.

During the last three months of 2016, the Times added 276,000 net digital-only subscribers for its news product, which includes access to NYTimes.com and all NYTimes apps, the company announced (pdf) today. That’s more than the 184,000 net subscribers who signed up for the news organization’s digital editions in the whole of 2015, past earnings releases showed. It also marks the best quarter the New York Times’ digital publication—which currently costs $3.75 a week for basic access—has had since it launched its paywall in 2011, the company said.


It’s known as the Roy Cohn Method. It’s the only strategy Comrade Chaos knows.

Ah, well, no problem there. We haven’t seen a big report on Trump’s b.s. about how he never heard of a place called Russia. But believe me, the NYT and the WaPo are hard at work on that, and so is every other outfit that has the wherewithal and a solid lead into something interesting on the subject. There’s no amount I wouldn’t wager on it because it’s a surefire lock. But even if they found a smoking gun that proved a quid-pro-quo collusion deal, it still might not take the bastard down the way things are. Two things still have to happen, no matter what the papers print: His political support has to fall below sustainable levels, and the power brokers have to realize the jig is up and they’d better cut their losses. We’re the third that will always want him gone today. His base might not give him up if he were proven to be a vampire. But the middle third, the GOP and some Democrats who rolled the dice, they’re the ones to decide this. If he loses them it’s all over. A shocking (to us) revelation could speed that. But on its own it might not do the trick as we’d imagine and hope. I don’t like it any more than you do but that’s what I think.


pst you arrogant asshole. You do realize that your mail order bride still hides away from you in the middle of NYC
She is surrounded by evil and so bad people all the time.
OMG what ya going to do?
Like I read once before somewhere, Go ahead and take on those companies that buy ink by the barrell and use top of the line technology to communicate with the world…


And I’ll add if I may - go ahead and take on the First Amendment.



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He is insanely ridiculous isn’t he?
A psychiatrist would have a meltdown describing what he learned after the first free consultation.