What, no mention of Bezos yet? Or has Faux Nudes not gotten around to that topic yet?
Pathetic and very low energy…
There’s a very good reason he won’t mention Bezos again: the entire incident has his stink all over it.
"If you're bored then you're boring." -Harvey Danger
Coincidentally, GIANT AND ILLEGAL HOAX is my name for his colostomy bag.
He seems calm (or stable). I am sure his blood pressure is very, very normal, and okay!
Frightened little Lord Fauntleroy.
Reagan would be so proud of trump and today’s GOP. Nancy wouldn’t let him in the front door.
Oh, for fucks sake, put your damned money where your mouth is and have your attorneys file a motion in Federal court detailing the illegal nature of the OSC investigation and demand based on that filing it be halted. If it's fricking illegal why are you not contesting it in court?
Crazy old man is just mumbling that he coulda been a contendah
Sad. Really sad.
Oh, for fucks sake, put your damned money where your mouth is and have your attorneys file a motion…
Exactly. Because you can bet your last dollar that Bezos will fight this to the last/. And guess what? He has MUCH more money than Rump so he can investigate this for as long as need be. And he won’t stop until everything is uncovered.
I take it Mueller plans to drop some bombs today.
He has much more money than AMI and probably their parent company too. They really messed with the last person on earth they should’ve come for.
Translation: there will be no wall. Trump 2020! Please.
“Qatar will pay for the wall! Now give me 6 billion dollars!”
Everything is a satellite to some other thing.
Who has pictures of your junk, Mr. President?
So, Donnie’s call for unity and bipartisanship at the SOTU rings hollow??? Shocking, shocking, I tell you!!!
Now, now, no more talk about Donnie’s “shortcomings.”
Trump Starts His Day By Insulting His Favorite Targets On Twitter Writing Stephen Colbert’s Opening Monologue.
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Junk? More like random flora from the 12th hole at Mar-El-Lago after a heavy rain.