Discussion: Trump Spells Out Judge Attacks: 'We're Building A Wall. He's A Mexican'

This sure smells like the beginning of the end of Trump, in politics and in business. Can’t support this with any evidence, so I could easily be wrong, but the level of insane vitriol, lies, and parody-proof absurdity suggests to me the final meltdown is in progress.

Watching people like Ryan trying to maintain their endorsements will be like watching worms impaled on a fishhook. It will be sad, ugly, and doomed.


Trump is a racist POS.

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We should measure him … see if he’s getting any shorter —


“sad” - ???

But other than that, I agree with you. We’re all pretty cynical on here about hack reporting and the corporate media, but I think Trump has turned himself into a story they have to - and want to - start covering aggressively. And every challenge to Trump, no matter how small, will be answered with another wild, haymaker right. I think he’s going to go down hard.


And absolutely delicious.


Upthread there was a comment asking “Why the judge doesn’t hold him in contempt?”

NCSteve might correct me — I’m not a lawyer; I just want to play a doctor on TV — but unless he violates a court order, there is no contempt (other than his highly publicized, contemptuous words) because it’s not actually being tried/adjudicated. Mister TANG®Skin™ can say whatever he wants unless he’s (unlikely) ordered otherwise.

Will it hurt his case? By this time, Judge Curiel likely knows an asshole when he hears one or, as I hope he might say, “La mayor imbécil siempre habla más fuerte.” It’s highly unlikely he would shade his rulings in a way that might trigger a valid appeal.

Well, from a tactical POV, I have to agree. He has no ground game, and doesn’t seem particularly motivated (or even able) to build one. He sewed up the nomination weeks ago, yet he is spending time in California…in fact, he has been spending time in completely weird places…either heavily red or heavily blue…while totally avoiding the actual battleground states. Instead of attempting to create the framing for Hillary, besides giving her a nickname, he has spent most of his time beating other republicans over the head…even though he has already won the nomination. His VP selection process has more people publicly asking to not be considered under any circumstances…to the point that the short list is basically anyone willing to volunteer.

The infighting within the campaign has reached a point where the two sides are paranoid that they are bugging each other.

He pushed back the trial date on this trial, ensuring it hangs over his entire General campaign with no way to dissipate it, and then…he has spent pretty much the entire news cycle…DRAWING ATTENTION to it.

He has launched into an all out assault on all the media, while still refusing to release his tax returns (as Romney proved, a fatal mistake).

Oh, and to top it off, AFTER locking down the nomination weeks ahead of the Democrats, the latest Reuters poll has him at 35%, down 11 points to Hillary. 35%. I don’t believe any candidate from either party has polled that low once they were the nominee.

So yeah…its a horrible campaign, by pretty much every reasonable metric.


No , Or if they do they agree with him
Or they watch Faux news and have been brainwashed, they agree with him
Or they are low low information who rarely watch or listen to the news , they agree with him
They hate Hillary, they agree with him
They Hate Democrats, they agree with him
They are racist, they agree with him

That base is staying with him

I saw my first Trump Bumper sticker on a high end SUV , White Blond Lady . She agrees with him.


You must be shocked. You didn’t even bold your text. :grinning:


I was literally shoveling horsesh*t out of one of our stables ( that will seem appropriate in a moment) when I heard Wolfie’Blitzer say to a Clinton supporter, “Trump effectively countered Clinton’s speech immediately after she gave it yesterday. Do you think she’ll be any more successful…blah, blah, blah.”

Are you kidding me??? Outside of Trumplandia, FOX Noise and Wolf…who in the name of all that’s sane, actually thinks there was any equivalency between those two offerings: Sec. Clinton’s speech beautifully trolling The Donny with his own words____ and Trump’s taking the bait and proving every thing she laid out about him with his screeching, incoherent ramble starting with, “She has to go to jail…has to…has to go to jail…”
Even with 4 horses, I wasn’t shoveling as much horshsh*t as Blitzer.

Gawwwwd’ … words fail!!! As I turned and walked to pick up the remote, I understood why Elvis shot TVs.


Was it Ivanka or Ivana?

By “sad” I really had the image of the poor worm in my head.


Naw. He means to do that. It’s a stealth campaign. It’s the perfect marriage of PeeWee Herman rolling his bicycle and Northrop Grumman coming in on-time and under budget.

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Um, many leaders of the GOP are merely partisan. I’m not. Am I explaining too much?

Ivanna. Boink. Now. My Daytimer only goes to 15 minute increments, you know.

Drumpf says he is building a wall. Is he? Is he financing it? Did he award contracts for its construction? Let’s see the plans. Let’s see the permits.

If he had a legitimate beef with the judge, then he should make a legal motion in court to have him removed. I’m sure he has THE BEST LAWYERS.


Is Cruz is going to un-suspend his campaign now!!!???


Well Drumpf actually wrote:
in his 1987 book, The Art of the Deal, Trump incorrectly stated that his grandfather Frederick Trump was of Swedish origin

So should we call him Sven or Bjorn?


I’m going to go ahead and draw a Godwin’s Law violation here, because it’s Friday, I’m feeling giddy, and I just don’t care.

Hitler earned a (brief) reputation as a wartime genius after prodding his military into a lightning invasion of France that worked brilliantly. Nobody was more impressed by this than the quondam Schicklgruber himself, and the result was the catastrophic decision to attack the Soviet Union.

And you know who else changed his German last name to something classier? Donald Drumpf, that’s who!

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The Judge can order that neither the parties nor their attorneys speak to the media re. the case. But again, I think the Judge is perfectly happy with how things are going.