It’s amazing how blind Trump is to people playing him like a banjo. People keep asking: “why doesn’t the Judge bar Trump from making these public comments?” If you were the Judge, why would you? Let Trump hang himself by his own ignorant noose.
Well, the scripts for the fall adverts have written themselves.
Yep, that’s NPR.
Cue the music first and just stare at the horror that is the question Serling asks:
Me, this morning:
Nailed it, if I do say so myself. Even when Trump pulls out a big magic marker (a fabulous, beautiful marker that marks like you won’t believe) and connects the goddamn dots himself with big squeaky loud broad black lines, they still cross their eyes and scruch up their faces and turn away to avoid having to report on the existence of a triangle.
Ab…so…friggin…lutly… amazing ! ! —
Hey, Obama’s related to Dick Cheney, and he’s managed to live that down.
Ok. Considering what we know of Trump, how he operates, and how big of a d*ck and idiot he is, my opinion on what’s going on here is based on two assumptions:
- Trump ran because he thought it would boost his brand.
- Trump actually believes he can use the leverage provided by being the GOP candidate to browbeat folk into doing whatever the hell he wants them to. He’s been doing it to everyone on the GOP side, and he thought he could do it to further his business interests here too.
So what we’re seeing here is the fallout of him realizing that he’s unable to get his way on this one. He tried to get a competent judge recuse himself, for no reason other than it would be convenient for him. It’s driving him nuts!
It’s the most ridiculous thing I’ve seen in a while. It’s flat out risible and absurd to demand a judge recuse himself because the defendant thoroughly insults the judge “therefore he’s biased against me!”. But that’s what Trump’s doing. It was never going to fly, but Trump believed that it would!!! And he’s been on meltdown mode all week as he kept trying, and trying, and somehow, to his astonishment, failing to get his way. Trump does NOT deal well with losing.
That’s what’s causing massive amounts of disbelief/facepalm/shock for me. That he thought he could pull this kind of crap. What the hell is wrong with this man!
I just hope the GOP still nominates him to be their candidate. Not that they can really take it back now that everyone on the GOP side has endorsed him
He’s almost Rubioesque.
The MSM is sloooowwwwly starting to wake up and smell Trump’s blood in the water.
They will soon figure out that they can get even BETTER ratings by pounding on his stupid statements, thus provoking further, even stupider statements that they can ride on easier than they can by simply kissing his ass and broadcasting his “tweets” as news.
The future does not look bright for “Ill Douche”.
If Martin Niemöller were a corporate “journalist” covering Trump:
First they came for Mexicans, and I didn’t speak out because all that spicy food is murder on my reflux.
Then they came for BLM, and I didn’t speak out because…well, you know…those people.
Then they came for Democrats, and I didn’t speak out because Both Sides Do It™.
Then they came for Big Media, and I had to speak out because – hello – paycheck!
Has there ever been a candidate for POTUS who is less suited to the office than The Donald? Maybe Goldwater? However, ol’ Barry Goldwater is looking is looking positively rational compared to Drumpf.
Hi ncgirl! Have you met my friend Steve?
You two should totally hang out.
Journalists have been getting beaten up on the left for not doing their jobs, but I’ve noticed that a lot of the really outrageous statements made by Trump lately have been in response to leading questions that no professional pol would have EVER stepped in, such as “Do you think there should be a punishment for abortion?”
Tapper was doing a great job of handing out rope in this interview, too, by using the old technique of playing dumb when faced with someone who likes to tell racist/sexist jokes or make other offensive remarks::
“So don’t leave any watermelon outside!” snicker
“I don’t get it. What’s so funny?”
It puts someone in the uncomfortable position of having to own/explain their biases, which they might do completely obliviously, or possibly make them realize that their insinuations are at the very least inappropriate.
“But why would the judge be biased against you?”
The correct answer is “because I am a bigot running an openly racist political campaign,” which Trump came as close to saying as someone as lacking in self awareness as he is could.
Maybe it’s not openly shouting “Trump is a lying liar!” (though that CNN chyron came pretty close) or pushing back hard enough on Trump’s non-answers, but it’s not nothing, especially when so many of these types of questions lead to statements that can be worked seamlessly into Democratic campaign ads.
Maybe I can get some of my MacGregors to adopt you And as someone mentioned earlier - Scotch.
No, never, not even close. Goldwater was a loose cannon, not a narcissistic buffoon. Consider, for example, the fact that one year into the campaign Trump still gives no sign of having even tried to learn anything about any of the issues.
Jake, I’m building a wall. OK? I’m building a wall. I’m trying to keep business out of Mexico. Mexico’s fine!" he said…
Now he’s saying the wall is about keeping business out and not people in?
Since when? That won’t go over well with the base.
So you think Snarley will bale or . . . .
I know. Can you f-ing believe it?
No, but there’s lots of illogical ones.