"If the president thinks placing families in jail indefinitely is what people have been asking for, he is grossly mistaken.”
Chiselin’ Trump: “Alright, then. We’ll just execute the whole lot of them. That’s what the Democrats always wanted.”
WOW… you mean I could have done this weeks ago?
I guess eventually we’ll have to thank him for activating the Democratic base, and getting out the Hispanic and Latino vote…
In essence, Trump signs a blatantly illegal order mandating permanent imprisonment for asylum seeker families as a way to keep the policy of kidnapping and imprisoning babies and children. It’s a transparent scam, and one that the legitimate media need to expose.
He simply doesn’t get it nor will he ever. He can play all the games he wants but it will never make him the bestest president evah.
You are still a worthless dickhead!
Well, let’s see how this plays out. It’s not quite as dramatic as ripping children from their parents arms, but I think the damage has been done. Anyone who was honestly trying to give Trump any benefit of a doubt probably gave it up after the revelations of the last two weeks. That leaves only his rabid supporters to back him. We’ll see in 4 1/2 months how well that works for him.
it’s not my fault, even though i did it and i lied
so i’m awesome for fixing it
So it DID NOT take an act of Congress to avoid kidnapping children.
Trump’s a liar as usual.
He’s caving incrementally. Kind of like his trade war with the Chinese…
The order doesn’t really stop the separation and it doesn’t address how to put back together the families already separated. This turd and his minions have to be gotten rid of–one way or another…
True. Eventually this move will need to square with laws on the books.
He thinks this’ll make it all go away, but he’s wrong.
He’s poked the immigration hornets’ nest and this will continue for months.
‘Cause the next step is to get those families processed. And check the facilities that they are being held in. Also to link up all the thousands of separated kids and parents. This is not something which can be done with the wave of a hand.
In the photo Kirstjen looks as if she just swallowed a razor blade.
Well that fixes everything.
A Ronald McDonald wanna be taking orders from the Kremlin.
It was just a tortilla chip.
For everyone who called, emailed, and protested to their congressional reps, thank you. Let us never forget how powerful our voices can be.
Trump lied multiple times after he signed the executive order, which was not even necessary. The order is by no means perfect. How long will families be jailed? Will everyone who crossed the border outside the asylum gate be considered a criminal?
The kids that are already detained will probably never see their families again. No plan was put together for reuniting them. So now they have to figure out what to do with these children, whose only crime was coming to America with their parents - like they had a choice.
This last couple of days/last week will haunt this administration. And the Dems should bring it up every chance they get.
To steal a line from the Right: Hell, no, we ain’t fergettin’.