Presumably, this will include all of Cheeto Donnie’s Cabinet Clowndidates?
Another presidential “executive order” based on fantasy.
Good God!
what is this bozo doing? how about an executive order about ice cream having no calories if you eat it standing up?
He is treating Executive Orders like press releases. There, another campaign promise kept. Next?
If it doesn’t work out, someone else is at fault.
Ironic, isn’t it, that Presidential candidates don’t have to be vetted at all?
executive orders are the new twitter.
I’m already fucking tired of these stupid memos and to-do lists. Someone must have told him that Executive Branch means Executive Memo.
And yet another useless one that can only be dealt with by Congress as the the Executive Branch has ZERO funding power. Where is your “out of control Administration” now, Ryan you sad fuck?
What are we up to now? $25, $30 billion now? Oh wait, I’ve not included the forthcoming healthcare insurer bailout.
Bloomberg is reporting that Trump is only banning immigrants from Arab nations that he has no business interests with. The countries from which the 9-11 terrorists came from are all OK because Trump has business interests with them. It was not clear if a country could get off the banned list by allowing a Trump hotel in their country.
Is the text of this order available?
This is perhaps the third time this week that I’ve seen reporting of a Trump executive order which seems to rely solely on Trump’s, or some Trump lackey’s, description of what it contains/does.
Given that this is Trump and his cronies, their description should not be relied upon in any way.
OT, but
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHA!!! They’ve already started claiming he’s playing 12-dimensional chess…
Or an EO that rules KFC fried chicken is a health food if you eat it with a knife and fork.
Or maybe an EO that decrees if you eat McDonald’s food that had been fetched by Chris Christie only the New Jersey Whale suffers any ill effects.
These aren’t executive orders, they’re press releases. They are unbelievably vague and are just repetitions of the sound bites that got him elected. They are meaningless and are meant to appease his base.
Trump Tower Somalia sounds wonderful.
Are you (circle one)
Terrorist -
Do you (circle one)
Love Trump
Love Sharia Law -
Which crowd is bigger
Even closer to the truth: They are just fucking photo ops.
Bingo. Every single one has been a PR stunt so far and most have little to no legal substance or effect.
My thought, too.
I think it is partly an effort by Trumpp’s closest advisors puppeteers to keep him feeling like he is taking bold, decisive action; it’s not campaign bullshit, it’s a Presidential Executive Order!
Why do I think that extreme voting registration cannot be far behind?
Sorry, I posted before reading. I should have known someone else here would also recognize what’s going.