25th Amendment.
It would be an asset . . . to me.
Obama did do something. Kicked them out of g8 and place sanctions that seem to be a problem for them. They can release the countries and solve the problem they created.
Otherwise, Trump would have complained at the time if obama had “done anything”.
Josh is right about this. It’s walking like a duck, it’s quacking like a duck, it sure as hell is a duck.
I never really appreciated the word flabbergasted before I started reading what comes out of Trumps orifices.
So he would have done something to punish russia then, but what he wants to do now is reward them. Right.
Oh, he’s just rubbing our faces in it now, basically saying, yeah…I’m a Russian agent…what the hell are you going to do about it??
And, truth be told, so far…nothing. This situation is untenable.
I’m afraid that I lose 10 or 20 IQ points any time I read one of his repetitive moronic statements.
“This used to be the G-8, not the G-7, and something happened a while ago where Russia is no longer in,” Trump told reporters.
Canada invaded the US and burned down the White House. Yeah, that’s what happened…
After seeing this press conference it’s clear to me that we’re in even bigger trouble than I thought. He’s clearly working for Putin. The Republican’s need to speak up and they won’t.
At the risk of repeating myself…
18 U.S. Code § 2381 - Treason
Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.
Ah…so it’s not Putin’s fault Russia took Crimea, but Obama’s (which speaks volumes about Trump’s world view). And Obama responded by isolating Russia and imposing harsh sanctions…all of which Trump has tried his level best to undo. But somehow Trump is strong on Russia? Even Nunes couldn’t defend this nonsense.
So says the Russian asset…
Trump is an asset . . . well, at least that is 3/5ths true.
I fear with Trump we need a whole new vocabulary. I’ve worn the current one to shreds to the point it no longer properly conveys my outrage and deep misgivings about what’s occurring in the here and now. Even four letter words no longer carry the same bite…sort of like trying to enjoy a gourmet meal while deeply congested.
Yep. Mitch and Paulie cannot be bothered with this, they’re falling all over themselves dismantling the New Deal and appointing conservatives that have yet to be born to judgeship’s.
Meanwhile a new chain of tRump luncheonettes catering to his base has appeared in towns all across the rust belt.
wanna bet?
No, we need an old vocabulary. One containing words like “traitor”, “cad”, “scoundrel”.
Possibly also “clapped in irons”, “gallows”, and “gibbet”.
I’m guessing he’s been promised a new Trump Golf Course & Resort in Sevastopol, Crimea.