Discussion: Trump Says ‘Something Is Going On’ With Clinton’s Health

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When Trump says he will give you some “very very specific numbers”, you absolutely know he is bullshitting. Most likely the “very specific” numbers will not include everything people want to know. Perhaps he will include his daily caloric intake, broken down into categories?!


Choking on Pretzel, Bush Faints Briefly


Beware Trump, Hubris is a bitch…

Thanks NFL for those of us who watch ,we need a break from nonsense like this 24/7.Just mo.


Maximus says something is going on with:

  1. Donnie’s 5 minute health report
  2. Donnie’s tax returns,
  3. Malaria’s immigration status,
  4. Drumpf University,
  5. Donnie’s multiple wives,
  6. Donnie’s Multiple Bankruptcies.
  7. Donnie’s BFF Vlad
  8. Etc. etc. etc

The problem with Hillary’s health is that she’s human. Unlike some folks I could mention.


He said he would release “very, very specific numbers” from a physical he took last week in the next few days.

Trump has the tallest health in Lower Manhattan.

Another unforced error.

By first not disclosing and then lying about her pneumonia, she is playing right into Trump’s narrative that she is untrustworthy and that what he says is true.

This election is Hillary’s to lose, and she is going in that direction.

Trump has so far made only a cursory note from his doctor, which said he would be the healthiest president ever, publicly available. Clinton released a letter from her doctor and a summary of her medical history last summer.

This guy??

Yeah. That went swimmingly. Still waiting on the update from Dr. No Nuts but I won’t hold my breath waiting on our press. Meanwhile, you lackeys in the press, try not to get your panties in too much of a twist over Hillary. Had you been doing your fucking job, we would have had a lot more information on that orange sack of shit you’re not bothering to report on with any real effort.

“Oh my, he’s moving too fast for us with the newest dumbest thing he’s said…How can we ever bother to report on anything specifically he does in depth when he changes the subject and flashes that new shiny crock of shit for the millionth time?” The excuses just keep coming as they await the newest tweet from Hair Drumpf.


…and not on uppers 24/7


I wonder why it is when Trump says things that are narcissistic, bigoted, misogynistic, xenophobic, anti-intellectual and racist it doesn’t play directly into Clinton’s narrative that Trump is a narcissistic, bigoted, misogynistic, xenophobic, anti-intellectual, racist person? Clinton suffers a perceived hit in the polls because Trump’s barrage of health critiques allegedly has damaged her, yet Trump can get away with being an ever so flawed human being and the bar is set so low for him it’s practically “Oh, that’s just Donald being Donald, but we all still love him!”


Something is going on with Dumps taxes


Anyone else wonder when Karma’s going to catch up with Donald Trump’s sewage dumpster fire of a campaign? Or will Karma let it burn until it consumes us all in its noxious fumes?

It’s times like these I wish I was a multi-billionaire so I could give a billion or two to Democrats.


Why is he on statins and aspirin?



Thanks for the laugh, it’s a nice way to start off a Monday morning…


Many people not suffering from serious cholesterol imbalances will still be put on a low level regimen of statins if their levels are simply slightly elevated. Additionally, many doctors will advise, or at minimum see no harm, in low level aspirin intake as a prophylactic to stroke or heart attack, especially if there is any cardiovascular disease in the patient’s immediate family indicative of a genetic predisposition being present. Many people in essentially good health take both statins and daily aspirin on the advice of their physicians.


I’m not concerned about an allergy.

I am concerned about Trump’s psychopathy, his criminality, and his policies that are designed to undermine our allies and strengthen our enemies.


In other words, Donnie has a serious chronic condition that could lead to a debilitating stroke, while Hillary has walking pneumonia that will likely be cleared up by next week.

And yet Hillary is the one who might die any second now. :roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes:

In all honesty, I think Donald’s diet should be of incredible concern to his family. He seem incapable of eating a vegetable, and he’s constantly eating high salt, high fat foods. Perfect recipe for cardiac arrest (pun intended).