I say “Something is going on with [Hillary’s Opponent’s] Health.” He is clearly overweight, his complexion is orange and he eats fast food at almost every meal. His mental state? I’ll leave that to a real psychiatrist, but he’s nuts by my definition. I wish Secretary Clinton a swift recovery, in time to demolish this creature at the debates. He has zero actual qualifications to serve as President of this country, other than being a “natural born citizen” and over the age of 35. He is a worthless, lying deadbeat.
Because “Trump says”……
So any and every utterance from his satirical presidential campaign is treated serious?
I’m so sick and tired of this gross exercise in white privilege.
Shorter Trump: I want to run against somebody I can easily win. At the very least, I should be allowed to make a deal with my opponent.
Despite having pneumonia she was a lot more energetic than him at that CiC forum. This is another stupid move by Trump, as when she recovers, she’s going to sound and look great, and he’s going to still look like a bloated, orange blob who doesn’t know anything.
That’s true, but they are also told to exercise and eat a more plant-based (and lean meat) diet. I don’t think Donald listened to that part of the doctor’s orders. Statins can do much, but they’re not a license to eat whatever you want.
So, Dishonest Don, riddle me this: where did you go to medical school? How do you distinguish between coughing due to pneumonia and coughing due to allergies, etc.?
@proudbluegirl72 DD can’t have cardiac arrest: someone must have a heart before it can be stopped.
“Something is going on” with both Trump’s waistline and his stupidity. They are both expanding exponentially.
Melanomia, does this driver make my ass look fat?
OMG, Something is seriously wrong with Donnie!
Morning Spin: Donald Trump’s suburban Chicago fundraiser delayed a week
Driver, does Malaria make my ass look fat?
Yeah, well at least Secretary Clinton’s health problems can be cured with an antibiotic and bed rest. Trump’s will require major surgery to remove his head from his ass.
He said he would release “very, very specific numbers” from a physical he took last week in the next few days.
I wish that some news organization would compile some kind of table of all the things HO said he would release imminently with a a bunch of check boxes next to the things that have actually been released. My guess is there would not be very many checked boxes.
Taking a statin and aspirin is very, very common if you are over 60. At some point America has to realize that both candidates are either 70 or approaching 70. Neither is a spring chicken. Trump is very over weight. Both live hard charging life styles. I am pretty sure Trump doesn’t sleep well. I would be surprised to learn Hillary reads late into the night. Either is going to be the last boomer president. The routine health concerns that go with aging aren’t going away, but we supporters knew all that when we nominated them didn’t we.
Dat be craniorectal impaction in med rap.
I’ve said something along these lines before, but I reiterate with a question.
It seems to me that Clinton has had a great many more appearances, meetings, speeches, etc. in her schedule than Trump.
On the average day, I think Trump has one campaign appearance which lasts 30-45 minutes—tops. Occasionally he has two events. Yet he often looks exhausted. I would like someone with fast fingers, energy and enthusiasm to make a more detailed comparison of their schedules, based on publicly available information.
By the way, I recall reading a few weeks ago that Trump spends 7 hour or more per day watching and reading the news about himself.
I don’t believe he does anything except appear to the public for very short periods, in terms of his campaign that is.
Following which, he lost the election.
Maybe. I kind of doubt it, though. HRC and HO are both on the leading edge of the boomer cohort. We are living (and working productively) longer today.
Particularly if HRC and HO are one-termers (and I tend to think either will be, for reasons that are obvious and not necessarily due to health) the successor will likely be a boomer.
What’s odd about much of this is the fact a great many Presidents have had nettlesome health issues they dealt with, many known to voters before they were elected to office. The very office they aspire to requires a person to have reached an age of learning, wisdom and experience that necessarily means they long ago quit running marathons, wrestling bears and single-handedly clear cutting old growth timber acreage in the High Sierras. WTF? There are people running multi-billion dollar Fortune 500 companies, working six or seven 12 hours days in doing it, that get out of breath walking to the mailbox. Everyone needs to get a grip.
It blows my mind that the United CEO had a heart transplant, then went back to work a few weeks later.