Discussion: Trump Says Humayun Khan Would Be Alive If He Were President

Khizr Khan, the father of Humayun Khan who has spoken out against Trump, told ABC on Wednesday that Trump’s comment was “the most cruel thing you can say to grieving parents.”

Pretty cruel.

It would be appropriate for Trump to feel shame. Unfortunately, however, it appears he doesn’t have that capacity.


To say that Donald Trump is vile is true, but words like “vile” are so inadequate.


Still not as bad as Hillary Clinton’s reaction to Gaddafi’s death.

Trump is running against Bush??


The sad truth is, that if the Supremes had allowed the recount and Gore had been President, we REALLY would not have gone to Iraq.

But beyond that, his answer to Stern, “Yeah, I guess so,” just shows his overall lack of interest and knowledge about what’s happening in the world. He is just so weak-brained that it boggles my mind,


One of the things about Trump’s truly horrible statements is that they are so beyond the bounds of decency and normalcy that one doesn’t know where to begin responding.
Let’s take a step back. Trump is claiming that he would have avoided the Iraq war. Well, according to my memory, we had a little domestic attack before the decision to go to war.
Let’s imagine Trump as President, and suppose the 9/11 attacks happen.
What do you think Trump’s response would have been.
Are you confident he wouldn’t have dropped a nuclear weapon on Afghanistan? Of course you’re not.
IF Trump had been President then, the number of ways he would likely have created a global disaster is beyond my capacity to calculate.
It might just be true that his swath of destruction would have avoided Iraq. Big deal.


Why not? He doesn’t seem to grasp that he’s not running against Obama or Bill Clinton so why stop there?

It’s frightening to know that the most publicly ignorant person in America is the presidential choice of tens of millions of Americans.


Trump is a fucking ghoul. Fuck him.

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And thus is Donald Trump and why he will lose
A normal person would realize that they had erred and apologized.
He could have ended it right after the Dem convention
I was wrong and I apologize.
Ditto for every alleged transgression against him that has generated a 3 am tweetstorm
But no 2 weeks out and he puts it on the front page again .
The lack of self awareness and sociopathic behavior boggles the mind.
Still more baffling that people are voting for him



What is he going to do issue special underwear so that bullets and shrapnel will bounce off.

Trump: If Humayun Khan was alive today, he would have voted for me. He may have been running my campaign. I see it as I lost a critical vote. Muslims are voting for me in droves.

So instead of letting his Khan gaffe of immense proportion lay quietly, Donnie again brings it back to the surface, quadruples down on his original stupid comments, and once again demonstrates what a clueless, heartless jackass he is…

At least he’s consistent…


He’ll stop at nothing, and this isn’t even the first time he’s pushed this particular line. I believe it was in the second debate that he said the same thing. If he had any capacity for shame, he wouldn’t even be able to show his face in public, let alone carry on like he’s the second coming.

Humayun Kahn gave his life to protect his troops. This is a completely alien concept to conservatives in general and Donald in particular. How dare he trespass into the realm of Honor.

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little consolation if most of the rest of us were dead in a nuclear holocaust caused by an aggrieved narcissistic asshole petulantly pushing the button over a perceived insult…

What a disgusting imitation of a human being this man is.


Yes. In fact, yes he is. About one third of his entire campaign for the last year and a half has been running against policies and actions of the Cheney Administration.

About another third of it is running against Obama. It’s pretty stunning just how little of his actual campaign is directly against Hillary and reality-based, fact-oriented things that she’s done or policies that she’s advocating.

One of the biggest FAILs of the American media machine has been the complete inability to notice this. tRump is both running on and running against the entire Republican platform of the past 30 years.


Trump continues to show that he is a sick sociopath who preys upon the tragedies of others with lies and insults to hide his own weaknesses and disorders.

Trump is a classic sociopath and psychology departments and psychiatrists across the US and the World are using him as prime teaching example. At some point, Trump’s family will have to obtain professional help for Donald OR he will end up in prison…all the lawyers in NYC won’t be able to defend Trump.

One very mentally sick dude.