Donnie don’t like bad reviews.
But since his word carries zero weight, this is all just smoke and mirrors, bait and switch, lying and hoping people forget (here’s news for you, Donnie, we won’t forget).
That’s reassuring.
Wait, so the DACA executive action by Obama was presidential overreach that threatened the Constitutional balance of the nation, but if Congress doesn’t act Trump will do it again?
The other thing that hit me was this is like setting a withdrawal date from Iraq which gives the bad guys an out, by saying he’ll take care of it if Congress doesn’t he gave them an out.
I´m sure that the DACA kids will rest a little easier tonight.
I don´t imagine that he´s trying to give Congress an out. The six month ¨reprieve¨ itself was nothing but Trump´s attempt to lessen criticism of him by foisting the decision on a non-functioning Congress. In terms of public opinion, that didn´t go over too well, so now he´s trying to diffuse the mess by making another vague ¨promise¨ which, like all previous instances of feigned ¨decency¨, will go nowhere.
(I)n late April he sent a different message, telling the Associated Press that young people covered by the program could “rest easy” because his priority was deporting criminals. “This is a case of heart,” he said.
By March ´18 he´ll be saying something. equally reassuring. And meaningless.
Listening to Morning Joe again—the joys of being in the US.
Trump didn’t anticipate the reaction to his decision. Oh, come on.
Ah, the morning movements:
Lying Trump didn’t mention it wasn’t done because the Republican Congress stopped working.
Even Trump doubts the Republican Congress can now pass a simple law in six months. Further, Trump admits he might start grabbing kids off the street this winter anyway.
If it keeps everyone from talking about his Russian business deals.
There’s no audio simulcast?
It’s not clear how Trump would “revisit” DACA without the help of Congress after he claimed on Tuesday that he ended the program in an attempt to limit the executive branch’s power.
So Caitlin hasn’t heard of Donald Trump before? He can contradict himself within the same sentence. 6 months is child’s play.
No doubt, it’s not the same when it’s not in the morning, and without my host putting the show on, I wouldn’t listen.
Sadistic POS thrives on threats, anxiety and destruction of societal bonds.
He’s just startled he’s not getting more applause. Pulling the wings off flies is usually a crowd pleaser!
And he tries for maximal disruption. If you think what could he do to put more gas on the fire, it’s obvious: make a move against Iran.
Some people really like him, which I’ve never understood.
Next time I look up the word “craven” in the dictionary, I expect to see DT’s tweet simultaneously complaining that Obama couldn’t get something through Congress AND that he’ll do it if congress can’t. Works for hypocrisy, too.
disruption -yes. that is the word I was looking for. that was going to tweak me for the next hour.
Because DACA is popular Trump tried to set up a situation where he could try and blame democrats for killing it even though it was Obama who created it.
Because, like the sequester, a game of chicken with Congress never works, this revisiting idea gives Trump a chance to reinstate DACA and claim credit for the popular program.
What a sadist. The only solace I get is that Mueller is making Trump every bit as miserable as he is making the American people. But only Trump deserves it.
Congress has 6 months to do…something Obama admin couldn’t do?!?
Ok, I think I understand what he’s trying to say: “I understand nothing about government or the office I hold.”
Perhaps this “revisiting DACA” decision will fall to someone other than Trump.
Well, he must have anticipated something, because he always send someone else out to get the flying tomatoes.
But seriously, he does this shit again and again and again and is always “surprised” by the reaction??? Well, duh.
He’s clearly incapable of learning a damned thing. Not that this is a big surprise.
NB: I was asked by some friends here in Germany what the deal is with Donnie’s “I’m sucking on a sour lemon and simultaneously working on a big dump” expression. I told them that Donnie thinks it makes him look important and presidential and they thought I was joking. I told 'em no, no, it was on the cover of “his” book twenty odd years ago too. They started laughing and said, well, it’s not working, is it?