Discussion for article #247466
Oh no! They’ve spent the better part of the last week giving Trump a tongue bath too.
And now THIS! ~Ailes faints!~
Just the other day, they said we were so mean to blame Trump for inciting any violence! Why, actually, Trump is the victim and he is the one being violated:
FOX haz’ a sad!
So basically, “I’m the presumptive nominee, and I don’t want to bother.” The next few months should give us a nice foretaste of the Trump presidential style.
I guess even Donald Trump can exhaust a vast reservoir of argle-bargle at some point in this campaign.
Yep, he’s finished with all this “debating” nonsense.
He won. Let the losers debate amongst themselves.
(But, he’ll continue to call in to Joe and Mika, of course).
Joe and Mika can carry the Trump banner while Breitbart is conducting their Trumpmaster 2016 reboot.
Trump is getting bored…he just wanted to win…he has a history of losing interest…
Oh well, there goes my silver lining of a Trump candidacy- that he wouldn’t pander to AIPAC. I should have learned by now not to believe anything the Donald says.
It’s tiresome having to not answer the same question over and over … besides, my dick has already been measured and I need to return the prosthesis…
And we can expect exactly the same thing in the general election. Suspect Hillary will have to put up a video screen with Trump spewing some nonsense. And then she will critique it. Trump is just not good at debate and he would have to suppress his natural inclination to be a bully.
and Joe and Mika will continue to allow him free airtime, of course
Wait, so he IS a loser?!
If he gets elected it’s going to be rich watching the disappointment suffered by supporters when nearly the entirety of his campaign’s thrust is shot to hell in Congress. No impregnable wall the entire length of the border. No massive, onerous tariffs levied against trade partners. No repeal of the ACA. No comprehensive deportation of immigrants. Muslims and others still visiting, emigrating, getting work visas to the U.S.
Then again, much is written that Trump supporters don’t take any of his promises seriously. It’s said they merely like his bluster and bragging and get tough shtick. Four years of bluster and bragging and faux tough guy invective isn’t going to accomplish much. They don’t care about that either. Nihilism reigns supreme, among people that supposedly care.
At this point, I think more debates hurts Trump more than helps him. He has a lead; more debates simply gives him more opportunities to lose it.
The next debate is in Salt Lake City, and Trump is polling horribly in Utah. In the end, it probably won’t make much of a difference what he does.
Ironic indeed: giving Fuxs News a kick up its backside!!! Fuxs, SeeNothing News and Emessnbc are looking at the revenue side of this operation. They have been used and are using Trumpf. The Donald has got them bending over.
“I’m speaking with myself, number one, because I have a very good brain and I’ve said a lot of things."
“I know what I’m doing and I listen to a lot of people, I talk to a lot of people and at the appropriate time I’ll tell you who the people are,” Trump said. “But my primary consultant is myself and I have a good instinct for this stuff."
Actually that’s a good strategy for him. No ambush questions from moderators,no gaffe risk and no free advertising for Cruz or Kasich.
Watch for this one on the SAT:
Debates : Trump :: ??? : Romney
b. NFL
c. Olympics
d. Tax returns
Answer d.
All four answers contributed to Romney being a douche, but answers a-c were cited as examples how great he was. Only d. was beneath him, as attending debates is now beneath The Rump.