Maybe he can get his torture goals implemented.
Maybe he can get his torture goals implemented. Oh, and TPM says the body of this comment is too similar to something I’ve already posted (???), so padding, padding, padding.
I’m sure can appease them by getting his torture goals implemented. Oh, and TPM says the body of this comment is too similar to something I’ve already posted (???), so padding, padding, padding.
“The Republicans get good ratings if I’m in it,” Trump said.
The debates would get good ratings if they included people having sex with farm animals on stage, too. Fox should consider this. Not only would the ratings be better, the entire tone of the network would be enhanced.
or maybe I accidentally double-clicked. oops!
It’s not you. The commenting system is royally fucked up, and has been for days. After you post, just close the little “saving” box that appears at the bottom. You’ll get some pointless error message 15 seconds later - just ignore it.
If Hillary and Trumpster are the two nominees, we will have the most qualifed and most experienced candidate running against the least qualified and least experienced. In a sane world, the best choice is a no-brainer.
Yes, we thought the current crop of confused baggers and nihilists were angry because they felt the R establishment betrayed them. Now they’re obtusely supporting a con man who changes his mind every week and has a history of reneging on promises. I guess they’ll never learn.
Poor analogy. Fox already does that.
And Trump understands that which Fox doesn’t. The Presidency is all about whose ratings are better.
@JCBlues: thanks for the image, just before I go to lunch.
Ha ha! No, you probably did everything right. This is the workaround for the current commenting system.
- Click Reply, type your comment.
- Wait for the error message (it varies, but it’s always meaningless. Your comment has already been posted.) Click away the error message.
- Your comment will reappear in the response window. Cancel it. Confirm the cancellation.
Now your comment will appear as you intended with no duplicates.
America has created a monster.
The hell with the debate… the idea of trump going all out to gain the endorsement of the AIPAC is fucking scary…
That’s the Drumpf presidency right there. Why should he show up for work when he won?
As much as I oppose The Donald, I think this is actually a legitimate decision on his part. Fox News is no longer even making a pretense of being fair and impartial at this point. If he participated in the debate it would be 3 to 1: Messrs. Cruz, Kasich and Fox News vs. him.
Somewhere, someone probably already has bullets with Joe & Mika’s names on them for the eventuality that The Donald wins.
Fox so-called-news deserves all the humiliation it can get. Drumpf is their baby, after all.
So basically, still afraid of Megyn Kelly. I’m guessing it’s her ovaries.
Great post. It accurately says what has happened.
That is bad enough.
What is unforgivable is that there are three social structures (the Legal System, the Republican Party and the MSM), which are intertwined, related, symbiotic and totally capable of stopping Donald Trump tonight, next month, at the GOP Convention.
The Republicans constitute about 25% of the electorate. 35% of them LOVE them some Trump. That comes to 8.75% of the population (these are Lawrence O’Donnell’s numbers).
If Trump gets the nomination, he has a clear path to the Presidency…not because of the rubes which got him the nomination, but, rather, because of a bag of tricks he will throw upon the gullible.
And there are tens of millions of gullibles
Not to mention the old-fashioned GOP voter dirty-tricks
Who would he debate at this point? I know Ted Cruz is still floating around out there like a giant turd in an ogre’s toilet bowl but Drumpf doesn’t need another debate. He’s got the nomination, unless Cruz pulls a Dick Nixon at the convention and god help us all.
As clear a path to the presidency as Mitt Romney had, and you remember President Romney.
Drumpf is not going to be president,.