Time for the Old Gray Lady to do a full Citizen Kaine on Der Trumpf.
Thanks to you Donny I have now given digital subscriptions to NYTimes to all my adult children and my brother.
The twat also tweeted that the UK should appoint Nigel Farage as ambassador to the US. “He would make a great ambassador.”
Response of UK: “We already have an excellent ambassador to the US.”
Ireland, Scotland, both look like wonderful places to move to from the “United States of America.”
The only reason I’m up before dawn, writing inane comments on the internet is that I can’t sleep, gripped as I am by fear of the rise of fascism. What’s his excuse?
New batch of Peruvian blue flake?
Ireland, perhaps. Nicola Sturgeon is screwing up Scotland.
Do you think there will ever come the day that Trump will stop acting like butt hurt 5 year old?
Ha! Or maybe Argentinean? For the sake of his health, I hope he keeps it up.
Good for the times. Two journalists don’t need access to this liar. They need to be 100% adversarial and ready to pounce.
Magic 8 ball says, “FUCK NO!!”
HA HA. Since the Times didn’t agree to any terms, they are free to report on the negotiations.
Obviously they refused the terms of secrecy.
The NYT changed the terms and conditions of the meeting. What - did they refuse to bow down before Trump upon first entering the throne room? C’mon media, go after this guy big league; make Pulitzer proud again.
The day he stops breathing.
Sure. That’ll be the day he forgets his name, his age, and Ivanka’s name.
The NY Times will be groveling at his orange feet in no time.
They must be so proud of themselves. After 24 years of Hillary bashing they finally bagged her. Now they get to eat Hair Fuhrer’s poop.
Have some Whitewater to wash it down.
Four. Effing. Years.
Of this bullshit.
The man is most certainly, clinically, sick on many different levels.
Who’s he kidding? Drumpf is the best thing to happen to The Times since Linotype.