Discussion: Trump’s Voter Fraud Probe Still Hasn’t Gotten Off The Ground

“The President has talked a number of times about millions of illegal immigrants casting votes during the election in his mind,” Washington Post reporter David Nakamura asked at Spicer’s daily briefing.

Unfortunately for us, Lord Dampnut’s mind is not an official polling place in any jurisdiction. Had it been, we might now have President H. Clinton.


Pense is far stupider than you could possibly imagine.


and right after they build the wall and pass tax reform (so we can all file our taxes on a postcard). . . . I’m sure I’m forgetting a few other “easy-peasy” promises as well.


Hmmmmmm. Did all Donnie’s BirthCertifubscate detectives all die or absconded with the funds?

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He sent his “great” detectives to Honolulu a few years ago, and they haven’t come back. People, stop believing what this man says! He is a congenital liar and a con artist. “Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain!” Or the idiot at the podium with the bad tie, orange complexion and fake hair.


shorter McConnell: nothing to see here, move on


Psst. Don’t spread this around, but I don’t think “detectives” were ever sent in the first place.


Keep pushing back on the bullshit. Make them put up the evidence (there isn’t any) or admit to the lies (there’s a lot).


Oh horsepucky Spiceless…you are just hoping that the media forgets about it and you can continue to lie about it for the next 4 years.

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after his promised release of his taxes. just to put a time frame on it.

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Aren’t those pretty much the same thing?


those investigators are not coming back. they discovered mai tais and kona gold.


Isoroku Yamamoto. (OK, I cheated.)

Just like they ask a judge to delay their own ACA suit, they don’t REALLY want to go here.
The FEC is saying “put up or shut up” re evidence of the so-called New Hampshire busing fraud, but answer came there none. A+ for going on offence.
EDIT- forgot I saw it here first: :confused:


Nothing Trump promised should be taken seriously. His whole life has been on big joke and con.


Like Federal Election Commissioner Weintraub, progressives need to push this button constantly (and where are those Dem voices from Congress? crickets). It is a win-win, as it shuts up Trump and shows he is the Lier in Chief.
Where is the 3M illegal (CA) vote investigation?
Where is the massively bused illegal (NH) vote investigation?
Where is the “anytime, anywhere” Steve Miller/Trump investigation?
Man, this really needs to be shoved down their throats, without pause.

(on topic about 5:30 min)


Trump’s Voter Fraud Probe Still Hasn’t Gotten Off The Ground

Yeah because there’s no proof of wide spread voter fraud to be had.
I have voted in the same polling place for nearly 40 years and in that time two(2) cases came to light. Out of the thousands of votes cast in those many elections from that place.

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Trump can’t accept the real for losing the popular vote…POPULARITY!

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Maybe we need to start talking about the upcoming state of the union speech, and whether or not someone will yell out YOU LIE…maybe Senator Sanders!