Discussion: Trump’s Pick For Labor Was Accused Of Domestic Abuse In The '80s

I checked the Riverfront Times and interesting enough Puzder provided an email dated Nov. 30, 2016 where his wife recants the abuse.
"You know how deeply I regret many of the rash decisions I made at that time and I sincerely hope that none of those decisions will become an issue for you at this time. I impulsively filed for a divorce without your knowledge and was counseled then to file an allegation of abuse. I regretted and still regret that decision and I withdrew those allegations over thirty years ago. You were not abusive.

I will most definitely confirm to anyone who may ask that in no way was there abuse. We had a heated argument. We both said things to one another that we regret to this day. I have always been grateful that we have been able to forgive one another for the hurt we caused caused each other. "

But in the original article her lawyer at the time said this:
But Daniel Sokol, the attorney who represented Henning in the adult abuse action and divorce, says of his client, " I believe her. I handle 150 domestic relations cases a year. I thought her story was not only credible but true. I would not pursue a cause of action on behalf of a client unless I believed it."

"Sokol is vice-chairman of the Family Law Section of the Missouri Bar Association.

Sokol says he has copies of medical reports that substantiate that something occurred to cause Henning injury. “This was an allegation of a series of instances coupled with physical evidence. Obviously, it’s her word of how the injures occurred, but there was other supporting evidence. There was objective outside support for violent arguments and things being thrown.”

He adds that adult abuse cases are commonly resolved by mutual consent orders, but says he advised Henning to go to trial rather than accept the order because, he says, “I thought the (consent) order was unworkable … we prepared for a trial on this. We appeared in court ready. I recommended that we go to trial on the adult abuse claim, and Lisa was apprehensive, nervous about a trial. She believed that because her husband was an attorney, he . would withstand the rigors of litigation better.”

So I’m confused about if this true or just a divorce ploy. I’m more than pissed about Pudzer’s anti-abortion work before becoming CKE’s CEO.
Here’s the link to the old and new reporting http://www.riverfronttimes.com/newsblog/2016/12/08/andrew-puzder-trump-pick-for-labor-department-was-accused-of-abusing-wife?page=2


It’s all the same - doesn’t matter what it’s called.

Liquor makes people aggressively stupid and it encourages violence in people because it removes all those safeguards most people have.


Oh, the preppers.

Now that’s money well spent.

Sucker born every…

But how else can a guy relate to women w/o alcohol. Plus I can dance when I drink.

You call that dancing?


Did I say you couldn’t drink and if I did would you pay attention to that?

No and no.

PS - please don’t let anything stop you from being as aggressively stupid as possible.


Let me guess, the Dems are going to fast track this nominee also? Just like fast tracking the four Generals up for cabinet positions.

To be fair to Liquor, if you don’t have those tendencies to begin with, there’s nothing to bring out. I still prefer pot, but I do enjoy decent Tequila.


I agree and that’s basically what I meant when I said it destroys the barriers most people have. Not every one gets violent of even mean but I do maintain and will that it makes everyone aggressively stupid compared to how they are sober.

As for the violence, I’m basing that mainly on my law practice. I did felony appeals mostly murders and I had maybe one client who wasn’t drunk when he did it.


One day Frank was on his way home from work, he stopped at the liquor store. Picked up a couple of Mickey’s Big Mouths and drank 'em in the car on the way to the Shell station got a gallon of gas in a can…


Grew up in a town and atmosphere surrounded by heavy drinkers. Don’t know how I escaped. It is a scourge of the first order. Just remembered Trump’s older brother drank himself to death at forty two. I wonder if Donald has ever revisited that?

The saddest thing I have ever seen are the people from the Pueblo who drink. I fucking hate it that we did that to them almost more than everything we did. The gift that keeps on giving.


I’m sure it was a “Leave It to Beaver Family.”

Or not.

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He’s a drunk wife beater…par for the Trump course…

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He is uniquely qualified. Trump needs to have at least one other fellow around (other than Bannon) who can give some hands-on depth to locker room talk.

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Well it’s so apropos because he’s in charge of enforcing the sexual harassment labor laws.

Perfect! Perfect trump pick.


Proving, once again, that you’re right on top of things …




A drunken, wife beater fast food magnet. We’d be better off with Mayor McCheese and the Hamburgler.

  he only remembered the car going up on a curb.

“I think it had to do with the liquid refreshment we 
had with our dinner more than anything else,” he said. 


Could of SWORN that he just said he’s all for drinking driving —