Boys will be boys. Isn’t that so, Donald? Nothing to see here.
Well isn’t that a requirement to get into trumps men’s club?
Of course trump appoints a man who likes “women in bikinis eating cheeseburgers” and abused his wife because he’ll be in charge of enforcing anti-sexual harassment laws.
"I didn’t assault my wife, I didn’t. It woz the Bombay Sapphire wot punched 'er. Or maybe the Tangueray. They woz both in on it.
It almost always is, although it isn’t always Bombay Sapphire. Often it’s MadDog2020
In GOP Bizzaro Trump World this seems to be a feature, not a bug.
The domestic abuse charge in a divorce proceeding gives him common cause with Trump. All he needs to do now is ask forgiveness as a born-again Xtian and his confirmation hearing will be a breeze.
As long as it didn’t include pussy grabbing.
Confirmation hearing questions:
Do you enjoy abusing women, or is it that you can’t stop yourself?
How much profit justifies degrading women in commercials?
It is a feature.
Absolutely. Trump has told us exactly how he sees women so naturally he’s picked someone like this. Jeffrey Epstein was probably his first choice, but of course, Jeffrey is a convicted sex offender at this point. Wouldn’t it be interesting to have to register the White House and send out those “there is a registered sex offender in your neighborhood” letters?
It’s time for yet another edition of: “What would the media say if Hillary Clinton …”
Well duh Ralph - everyone knows she’s running a pedophilia ring out of a DC pizza joint basement that is so well hidden it actually doesn’t exist.
I’d like TPM or some other source to put together a roster of her likely cabinet picks as a comparison to Trump’s gallery of grifters and crazies.
Still seems like a good fit for Secretary of Labor. Beating up your wife is work, dontchaknow.
It’s pretty well hidden when a lunatic with a gun shows up and he can’t find anyone to shoot.
“C’mon…it was the 80’s…I was all coked up…I promise I don’t do nearly as much coke anymore…”
It’s the reason Trump picked him.
Steve Bannon, also, was not too proud to engage in a little spousal abuse on occasion, if memory serves me well.
“But listen, guv. It was just a few love taps, it was. I didn’t nail 'er head to the bannister, did I? I woz a proper gent.”