Mar-e-Coli could use a good cleaning…
Sometimes you get what you wish for.
Well, this could be a problem. He’ll go to FL after the storm hits, of course, but he’ll be more concerned about his own properties than he will be about anyone else’s.
I wonder who got selected to stay behind at these properties to monitor the situation (they’ve done something similar at the Hemingway house on Key West, but she volunteered).
I’m guessing the pending tax-payer funded aid package to re-build Mar-e-Coli will come in somewhere over $ 1 billion.
Even more if there is water or wind damage.
Don’t worry about Mar-a-Lago. Trump has already pocketed $17 million in insurance money for hurricane damage that nobody remembers having actually happened, so he’s pretty much ahead of the game there.
the proof that there is no God will be manifested when not only Mar-A-Lago is spared, but Myrtle Beach as well.
It’ll get interesting when Trump takes interest free government loans and whatever other Federal freebies he can to rebuild his resort, golf courses and mansion.
Sadly, he most likely can legally do all of that. It looks bad, but he can probably get away with this, as there’s nothing illegal about it - he’d’ve done it as a private citizen and no one would’ve questioned it.
And now for some apropos Purcell
This is the weirdest interpretation of Purcell’s ‘The Tempest’ that I’ve ever seen.
Now, if it were Hillary, it would be an entirely different story.
Yes. It would be nice for someone to pair a news item (Rachel Maddow maybe) commenting on Trump sucking up Fed money for his rebuilds, taking special care to show a montage of campaign stops and press clippings where Trump bragged about being worth 10 billion dollars.
Well, of course…
If Irma harms any Trump properties he will Tweet her and she will never be heard of again.
And then raises club rates by another $100,000, and starts taking weekend trips (@ a couple million or so a trip footed by the taxpayers) to his “Winter White House”. He’ll make a killing.
What would that serve? Most of his supporters wouldn’t care and the rest of us already know.
In more reasonable times, he would’ve been called a scoundrel. Instead, he’s called POTUS.
This is drawn straight from the nightmares I have when I’m working with someone who doesn’t want to do “the same old boring stuff that everyone does.”
If they were juxtaposed to footage of homes that were not able to get fixed and devastated municipal facilities that locals (after tax starving local govt) can’t rebuild, might start getting a little traction with some of his supporters who are starting to get twinges of awareness that maybe all isn’t so great under his orangeness.
After all the stuff that’s already been said about him and there’s an unshakable 25% - 30% that are still ‘with him’, I can’t see that coming.
H&ll, some of them would probably go down there to help him rebuild. This is not a normal situation anymore with this guy. He gets to do what no one else gets to do, unimpeded.