“Cintron, a registered Republican, worked as Trump’s personal driver for more than 25 years, according to Bloomberg”
And always way more than requested./s
I’m honestly curious IF this driver dude was thinking.
This is another example of Trump thinking that it is an entitlement to work for him.
Absolutely no shame. I’m so jealous.
Have Mueller’s people, or the New York prosecutors, interviewed him yet? They will.
I have absolutely no sympathy for an asshole who worked for another asshole. You reap what you sow, MAGA driver! LOL!
The Republicans of 50 odd years ago believed in a minimal sense of noblesse oblige. Not this crowd.
Trump will file an answer claiming the driver was a salaried professional who was not entitled to overtime and a cross complaint billing the driver for the hours he spent basking in the glow of his eminence.
“noblesse oblige”
HAHAHA…can’t believe they used that in a complaint. Besides, Trump and his ilk would argue that they more than showed generosity to him. “I employed him, didn’t I? He was able to eat, cloth and shelter himself, wasn’t he? Why does he need more than that and why would I be obligated to give it to him?”
Because get this: the cost of bare minimum owning a slave to do it for them is all they’re willing to pay your to do it for them as a free person. Extra? Comfort? Retirement? MOOOORE, you want some MOOOOOOORE!?!?!?!!?!?! Are you fucking kidding?
Reading this AND Josh’s ed on Trump trying to destroy NATO: Trump is a mentally sick son of a bitch who cannot see anyone elses point of view under ANY circumstances whatsoever. He is a spoiled, ruined piece of human garbage, completely unredeemable without a lobotomy. And yet, the equally corrupt and power mad party of so called republicans screams and calls everyohne else Orwellian names and bullies this entire nation and the world at large using the Asshole in chief’s horrible bad manners and insane sick arguments. And the majority of US people are helpless? Trump is a menace to humanity and all society. A traitor to boot, a lickspittle for Putin.
If you believe the post truth world scenario from Bullshit Mountain et al, we are powerless. But we must take action as a populace, big time and with strength. Call, write, march, vote. Maybe there’s still time and some of the sympathetic people around the world wil help us out, if we don’t wait too long. We must stop being “deer in the headlights”. The alternative is a gulag while earth’s climate boils us, or nuclear fallout gives everyone cancer, or both.
Noblesse oblige began its illness under St Ronnie. Newt put a pillow over its face.
Quelle surprise!
Why are you going light on him?
Why is this elitist suing the hardworking regular folks who gave him his job? Ingrate.
Over 25 years means he’s seen how many other “little people” Hair Furor has stiffed… and he somehow thought that he would be different?
it’s the kind of pun that drives you to distraction
The guy needed work as do most other people, and he began working for him 25 years ago in 1993 when PP had not yet reached peak douchery and was still only mildly repulsive, not full tilt as he’s become. The guy deserves sympathy even if it’s only in cyberspace.
And almost makes you want to shuttle off this mortal coil.