Pretty funny, no question.
Where the hell have you been, Eustace? Many of us here have felt barren without you.
And when are you going to release Ugg?
That’s one for the pun Hall of Fame.
That’s what happens when you work for the King.
OT: Late lunchtime CMAO (chuckling my ass off).
“I’m not really great at the Washington scene,” he said. “Having experienced that now has made me a lot wiser, but it’s also made me appreciate where I was and who I really am – which is an entrepreneur and money manager focused on growing people’s money.”
But to be fair, he only pays for when the car is moving - otherwise, you can’t really call it “driving”, right?
Trump’s ability to live down to expectations consistently is impressive - it is hard to be a real prick 24/7.
Black car (limo) drivers in NYC all make ore $$ than he did. What were the unpaid perks? This story makes no sense, unless he is a moron.
Off your meds again?
Noel Cintron is the Erich Kempka of today. Erich did write a book.
more l’imos-ine off down the street
I’m sure he and Trump had a handshake that he’d be paid for those hours.
The method in Trump’s lying:
It might have occurred to you somewhere in the 100 - 500 hour range that Trump was going to fuck you.
Or a moran?
Reminds me of a really funny joke Chris Rock once told during his routine, about a news item in which a black employee of Cracker Barrel Restaurants sued the Company for racial discrimination.
Rock’s response: “Dude, what did you expect!?”
Still, anything that makes dotard look bad is A-OK with me.
I’m also honestly curious what he was hearing!
Yes, they’re amply paid, in abuse and calumny.
Good to see Eustace back, it’s a great act!
So it’s Eustace that’s been hiding Uggswell P Gravel.