Discussion: Trump Repeats Vague Threat To 'Close' Border Unless Congress, Mexico Act

Clearly, no one is taking this “threat” seriously. Go take a nap old man.


If Trump had 1/100th of the concern for the real emergency in Puerto Rico as for his made-up one in Mexico, the island would have been on the way to recovery.




This was just a small part of another mental diarrhea session.

He also made the NATO rep (Soltenberg?) say that NATO is the strongest it’s ever been since donnie became pres.


Unfortunately some are in the GOP are saying this as well and I’m ok with that too.

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You know, if Trump was a junkyard dog there wouldn’t be a set of tires or a carburetor left on the lot.

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Don’t listen to the naysayers, and don’t be a little bitch, Donald. Do it! Shut the whole thing down!

If you delay, then the Obama Judges will say that the fact you could delay means it’s not a crisis! Act now to save us all!


Trump Repeats Vague Threat To ‘Close’ Border Unless Congress, Mexico Act

Does he want them to do a skit? Maybe dance the cucaracha?


Let’s gas up Air Force One and get Mr President down there today.

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A classic example of the “Madman Theory” most effectively utilized by Sheriff Bart in Blazing Saddles “Hold it, the next man makes a move…” Problem for Trump is that everyone in Rock Ridge was an idiot whereas only 40% of the US is stupid enough to fall from Trump’s BS.


Sorry folks, the US is closed. The moose out front should have told you.


What ever happened with that emergency? Is that still happening?


It’s one of Trump’s enduring, and endearing, qualities: that he just cannot stop himself from shooting himself in the foot. “Pivoting” to health care, threatening to close the border, etc., my only comment to him is, “Please proceed, O Orange One.”

And if he does close the border, mostly because he just loves the attention, thinks it looks “Presidential” when he acts unilaterally, and because he thinks he’s not getting enough respect, the result will be disastrous for him, just as was shutting down the government.

That’s why when a concern troll on another site insists that “Trump gained another point in the polls! We’re doomed! Doomed, I say!” I laugh because I know that Trump cannot help but be Trump and that he will do something stupid soon enough.


OK, so, I’m sure I know the answer (ie. Trump is a fucktard), but why is it important to close the border ‘super soon but not yet’?

If there’s a massive crisis, and the border needs to be closed…why isn’t it closed? Why wasn’t it closed yesterday? Why isn’t there a rush to close it tomorrow?


We know #45 doesn’t do details, his cabinet also doesn’t do details. They flail away from one chaos event to another all the while claiming success.

The narco’s must be grinning ear to ear thinking about how they can use the proposed border closure to hike prices across the board.

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So true. He piled one stupidity upon another, then another, then a few more for good measure, back in the spring, summer and fall of 2016. And look where that got him. Damned idiot.

The Moron Don continues the attempted shakedown.

I think it would be appropriate to let trump into the family quarters of the White House and then lock the damned doors so he cannot get out. He needs to experience what “closed borders” feels like.
He should also at some point have someone explain to him some history concerning shutting down the Mexican border and the results thereof. In 1969 Nixon shut down the border in an attempt to stop marijuana smuggling. The cross border traffic in legal good was stopped for 2 weeks. Produce rotted in the trucks. Americans visiting Mexico (I was one) could not get home. But the marijuana smuggling did not slow down at all. Operation Intercept was an abject failure. Now trump wants to commit his version.