So Donnie left his phone unattended and one of the staff grabbed it and made a tweet - not the first time…
The clock is ticking, now. He’s been convinced/forced to do the adult thing, even though he didn’t want to. The most powerful man in the world, the man who commands armies, got told what to do. And he did it, like a beta. He’ll need to show them who’s boss. He’ll need to reassert himself. He’ll need to bothsides.
Well, at least he called it terrorism but followed it with the evil brown people invading our country must be kept out -crime something something. Who thought that this “signing the veto” ceremony should go on in the wake of the white supremacist terrorist attack in NZ? Trump failed on this big time.
Just how many days is it until the next Presidential election?
Yes, he condemned the (white supremacist) terrorist attack with all the enthusiasm of Lindsey Graham watching straight porn.
I didn’t really need that image in my head.
But there’s more:
"I told the prime minister the U.S. is with them all the way, 100 percent.”
Well, 100% less the GOP base of 35%.
So 65% once you factor out deplorables, gun-humpers, “white evangelicals”…and Rush Limbaugh.
That cheeseburger wasn’t going to eat itself. He had to let his guard down for a bit.
Why yes. Actually, I can.
I had to login just so I could like your comment.
I’m sure Jacinda Ardern was very gracious during the call, which is one of the many reason she’s PM and I’m not. I 'd have told told him to stick it where the monkey keeps his nuts and not to call back until he’s stopped egging these fucks on.
Steve Herman (W7VOA)
Asked by a reporter if white nationalism is a growing threat, @POTUS replies, not really,” suggesting it’s just a small group of people.”
And he didn’t even make it out of the speech. Appreciate the congrats.
Oh, you with your compliments! You’re probably just after all that change I have in the Mason jar on top of my refrigerator.
This ass is such a sap!
How inhuman can one be when offering condolences to NZ PM, etc., and then Trump leads into his veto statement. Which was cold hearted and it really showed the shooter and he feel the same way about non-white skinned immigrants!
Might wanna update that headline…
But you didn’t call it “white supremacist terrorist,” Donnie. What are you afraid of?
In the photo above, Trump looks like a little boy, completely out of his element and depth.
I’m fearful for a large-scale terrorist incident her or some national disaster.
We’re screwed.
Don’t be. We’ll have another non-terrorist random white guy shooting dozens of people, but no Terrorism!