Discussion: Trump Re-Ups Attacks On Obama And Clinton As The ‘Founders’ Of ISIL

I call Trump a historic landslide loser.


By Trump’s “Logic” Abraham Lincon founded the KKK and (Saint) Ronald Reagan founded the Taliban. And of course, if you believe in the Judeo-Christian God, God founded Satan.


Trump agrees with Paul Krugman. This is a good time to borrow. Trump is a militarized Keynesian!



And when people like Hugh Hewitt try to at least locate this within some sort of rational framework, Trump rejects them, because he doesn’t care a bit for rational frameworks:

Hewitt: Last night you said that the president was the founder of ISIS. I know what you meant, you meant that he created the vacuum, he lost the peace.

Trump: No, I meant that he’s the founder of ISIS, I do. He was the most valuable player. I gave him the most valuable player award. I give [Clinton] too, by the way.

Hewitt: But he’s not sympathetic to them. He hates them; he’s trying to kill them.

Trump: He was the founder, his—the way he got out of Iraq was the founding of ISIS.

Hewitt: By using the term “founder,” they’re hitting you on this again. Mistake?

Trump: No, it’s no mistake. Everyone’s liking it. I think they’re liking it.

He came up with two phrases in regard to this that he enjoys repeating, thinks are clever. And they have to stand alone, there can’t be any context provided, they are pure and perfect as they are.

Because he’s nuts.


It is tragic that the Republican nominee for POTUS arguably poses a greater threat to this country than a terrorist organization.


Yup…and no ones challenging him on it either…


Show us your TAX RETURNS or STFU…


Causes me to " re-up " my dislike of him —


So do you think now they’ll finally learn what happens when they make him read Republican orthodoxy to Very Serious People off a teleprompter?


Crap, I was hoping he wouldn’t find out about this, but now he has. Only a matter of time until he discovers that the BHO/HRC team was also responsible for the '83 Embassy bombing, the '93 WTC basement bomb, 9/11, Al Queda, and Al Queda in Iraq. I thought they’d covered their tracks, but damn that Trump guy is good.


Clinton’s campaign called the remarks “another example of Donald Trump trash-talking the United States” in a statement emailed to reporters during Trump’s Thursday speech.

Yes, and Trump is throwing shade on every service member in our armed forces. What a lying, losing putz, that Donald J. Trump. Why does Trump despise our service members? Why, Donnie?


Trump: “I call President Obama and Hillary Clinton the founders of ISIS.”

Gonzo inadvertently nails Donnie again:

“If you’re going to be crazy, you have to get paid for it, or else you’re going to be locked up.”


In related news, Trump blames Obama for the behavior of his rabid, violent, neo-Nazi followers because he didn’t go back in time and tell Claus von Stauffenberg to use a bigger bomb.


Donald Trump riding to his personal glory …


Indeed. And note the “I think they’re liking it.” This man’s narcissism requires him to surround himself with obsequiously fawning sycophants who never say no and always compliment his mindless blather. The microcosm of his small inner circle is reflected in the macrocosm of his speechifying events, where he is surrounded by thousands of braindead zombie idolaters, basking in the oh-so-white heat of their adulation. He believes the two combine to represent the universe of responses to his words and actions.


did he reassert the claim that Khizr Khan’s son died under Obama and Clinton’s watch too?


Meanwhile, Hillary Clinton is in Warren, Michigan…home to the original “Reagan Democrats” who have long become Republicans decades in the making. Smart move on her part…as the auto industry was revived due to the help of Democratic lawmakers in Congress for an auto bailout. Compare that to Gov. Snyder’s anti-collective bargaining legislation by his ALEC-directed Republican legislature, who took away union rights even though the electorate voted overwhelmingly against such measures. There are a lot of disaffected Republican voters in Warren these days due to Snyder’s tin ear and running roughshod over those workers. So she’s got a real path appealing to those folks now with what Republican governance has led to in the state for real middle-class workers here.


Trump was for the founding of ISIS before he was against it:

In interview after interview in the later 2000s, Trump said American forces should be removed from Iraq.

“First, I’d get out of Iraq right now,” Trump said to British GQ in a 2008 interview. “And by the way, I am the greatest hawk who ever lived, a far greater hawk even than Bush. I am the most militant military human being who ever lived. I’d rebuild our military arsenal, and make sure we had the finest weapons in the world. Because countries such as Russia have no respect for us, they laugh at us. Look at what happened in Georgia, a place we were supposed to be protecting.”