Discussion for article #240169
Golly, is it just me, or is this campaign starting to get kinda weird?
Derp fight!
Well that’s Trump. He says whatever is expedient at the time and works with the folks in front of him. Times change and so does Trump. Audiences change and so does Trump. If I was a GOP’er kingmaker this would worry me a bit. This two facing is pretty bold and if that’s how he’s going to handle his “oath” the third party thing is still there. After all, Trump can support the eventual GOP nominee but then run in the Trump Party if he chooses.
They say “watch out for what you wish for”…Ill bet the GOP is now all into that.
If you’re my age – and very few are — does it feel like The Donald may be channeling Joe McCarthy? (the psycho Senator in the 50s who saw Communist conspiracies in every closet and under every bed. McCarthyism was about a nasty as Trump, )
amoral: having or showing no concern about whether behavior is morally right or wrong: being neither moral nor immoral; specifically: lying outside the sphere to which moral judgments apply: lacking moral sensibility: being outside or beyond the moral order or a particular code of morals
A real Leonard Zelig
So does Donald Trump do ALL his writing with a thick black marker? Looks like the same one he used on the Republican loyalty pledge.
He’s such a narcissist he has no problem speaking out both sides of his ass because he truly believes he’s adored by everyone.
I just wish he’d back off just a little before he blows it- I wanna see him rip the GOP to shreds before he implodes under his own gaseous weight.
That’s more of Ted Cruz’s style…and Ted even looks the part:
Donnie Dipstick – low information candidate appeals mostly to low information voters…
The third party thing is very much still there. Its an entirely unenforceable pledge anyway, and Trump built enough caveats in his publicity stunt to make it even more irrelevant.
The real reason its doubtful he will run 3rd party, is that its pretty questionable whether or not he could have enough staff to mount such a campaign. The people he is hiring/poaching right now are GOP operatives. Sticking it to the GOP establishment is one thing, out right tossing the election to Hillary is an entirely different discussion for those folks.
Romney was exactly the same way. Maybe it’s a CEO occupational hazard, to lose sight of ethics and just pander to the guy in front of you.
“The Boss is Always Right”
but it depends on which boss…
Hitler, Stalin & co…certainly… but also…CEO types… 0.001%-ers and enough bosses in everyday jobs that everyone either was or knows someone in a similar predicament of abject terror of that boss.
[quote=“condew, post:13, topic:25882”]
Romney was exactly the same way. [/quote]
The difference is that The Donald delivers his truthiness by the pimp hand full
Here’s all you need to know about the Trump campaign. The author’s key contribution in this compact text is the distinction between lies, where the speaker recognizes that truth has authority but chooses to state something false, and BS, where the truth or falsity of the statement is irrelevant.
So, if Hewitt is third rate and so low rated, why did he appear on the show and why did he appear 3 prior times? Thin-skinned doesn’t begin to describe the guy, and he personalizes everything. he mark of a narcissist.
If a coin had three sides, Trump would take all three.
And it seems the weirdness just raises the approval rate?
People really need to understand that Donald Trump is just playing the “bad boy pro wrestler” of politics. He knows what to say in order to become popular but, in the end, it’s all really just an act. He’s doing this because he knows that it will work.
Of course, knowing that this is his strategy tells us far more about American politics than it tells us about what “The Donald” truly believes. It’s all an act, and rather a silly one at that, but don’t assume that act tells us anything about Donald Trump apart from the fact that he understands both show business and American politics better than most other Republicans.