Discussion: Trump Publicly Bashes Hugh Hewitt After Praising Him In Private

The next level in bad penmanship…

There are qualities to Trump that resemble not only resemble Joseph McCarthy, but also Huey Long and George Wallace.


With the media incapable of examining itself and the reasons they go into 911 coverage mode around Trumpzilla, it was left to a party shill radio host to accidentally draw first blood from the monster in a show of stupid that reeked of raw Palin.
The monster’s on guard but the hunt is a long one…


Why would Trump even bother talking to a 3rd rate radio host?

McCarthy was a drunk which doesn’t excuse his behavior but may account for it. On the other hand, The Donald let us know about his drinking habits when he touched on his participation in Holy Communion and the Jesus cracker

.“When I drink my little wine — which is about the only wine I drink — and have my little cracker, I guess that is a form of asking for forgiveness, and I do that as often as possible because I feel cleansed

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Why would a very low ratings radio talk show host like Hugh Hewitt be doing the next debate on @CNN.

That’s actually a very good question Mr. Trump. Hughitt is a hack and little more than a very opinionated radio host so why is he moderating a debate on CNN?


Does it feel like Trump is channeling Tail-gunner Joe?

That’s an interesting question. Trump is definitely in the McCarthy mode as a demagogue, but among the current occupants of the GOP Clown Car ™ I think the Cubanadian Carnival Cruz is closer to Tail-gunner than is The Last (I hope!) Trump.

There is of course the superficial similarity of both occupying Senate seats, but beyond that Carnival has used his seat to pull all manner of ridiculous stunts in the Legislative branch. In that regard, Carnival may well have surpassed Tail-gunner. McCarthy limited his shenanigans to abusing Congressional investigations and hearings, while Carnival forced a government shutdown.

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I should have known someone would get there before me… well-played, Captain.

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Well when he found out how bad he sounded and everyone pounding him he had to do a quick reverse and trash him like he does the others. That is his MO.

Well his supporters at the Mobile rally said he was just like George Wallace

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Trump is prepping and shaping Hewitt for the next debate where Hewitt will be a moderator.


Trump’s a little 2nd grader in a grown-up’s body.

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He has such a superficial understanding of the Eucharist as he does most other subjects not related to making a profit. It is and should be very embarrassing. That he is even considered to have an outside chance at the nomination much less the leading candidate is an indictment of the political savvy of the GOP.


It could be worse…

If we picked our Presidents or public officials based on poor penmanship we’d certainly be screwed.

His campaign started off with a feud with a beauty queen and an escaped drug lord and you’re saying it’s getting kinda weird?

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Trumps response to every criticism is the equivalent of a nine year old saying…no I’m not… you are ! Shouldn’t we be expecting more of our presidential candidates, a lot more.

Exactly, and no different than complaining about a particular question long after he attempted to answer it and only after other people started complaining.

I’m amused at the idea that any question to which a candidate doesn’t know the answer becomes a “gotcha” question and horrified that so many people believe it. When the hell did “I don’t know” become a sin? I don’t think even die-hard opponents could complain much if he had said, “No, I don’t know that name. What is your question about him?” On the other hand, I must not be alone because even some of his supporters on the Ingraham twitter thread seemed to think his response was stupid and/or craven.

Yup, but if your vote is based entirely on what will piss off liberals the most, this is what you get. People who screamed incessantly about income taxes loved Trump’s idea of higher taxes on hedge fund managers once they convinced themselves that those managers are all democrats.


Any question Trump can’t answer or gives him the slightest discomfort sets of a temper tantrum of epic scale, especially if the questioner is female. This jerkoff isn’t presidential in the least.

That was a gotcha question because it got him. This has been my argument or advice from the beginning, don’t go toe to toe with Trump and try to out insult the world’s biggest jackass or try to get to him with reason that will only get you pummeled with returned irrelative crudeness. No, to get to Trump is to let him do his self in. Ask him policy questions or things in the nature of this Hewitt interview.
Trump is not even a freshman politician at the national level, he knows New York and places where his business’ are, kind of. He isn’t close to being ready for the intricacies of the ME, Iran on its own, our allies, world oil, global climate change, world hunger and damned for sure not immigration issues at home or abroad. Who thinks that Trump isn’t in thick as thieves with the Wall Street Bandits?

Nope, after insults and Trump gotchas-read attacks, he serves a very thin gruel. Trump is only winning because he gets most everyone to play his game with his, lets say, extremely pliable rules.

In a one on one debate with real answers required, Trump will get smoked by Hillary, Sanders, Biden or any Democrat I’ll wager. He’ll whine the next day but this is where he needs to be led. Let the world watch Mr. Thin Skin Jerkface Insult-a Minute Boy in action.