Mission Accomplished! Idiot LOL
There is no longer a Nuclear Threat from North Korea… where can I pick up my Nobel?
I don’t.
The country is being run by a megalomaniac.
Megalomania is a psychopathological condition characterized by delusional fantasies of power, relevance, omnipotence, and by inflated self-esteem.
Peace for our time.
Well, now that that’s over and done with, Trump can turn his attention to ending the War on Christmas.
Of course the man is right… Under THIS PRESIDENT, one major threat is now under control.
Without Donald Trump antagonizing and exchanging threats with the North Korean leader,
tensions are lower.
So the President’s action to stop Donald Trump from provoking and threatening the North Korean leader has an wonderful and salutary effect.
The Pres. has reduced the threat that a nuclear war with North Korea will arise from this Trump guy’s actions.
Does he even know he fucked up? With both North Korea and Iran?
Do the Republicans just not care that China and Russia are getting stronger and we’re getting weaker, and our allies are moving on without us?
But, a con man’s gotta con.
And weak enablers who want to keep their jobs gotta enable.
What a feckless, clueless motherfucker.
But look on the bright side. Donorrhea has still got the nuclear codes left as a bargaining chip.
Can we just change the Great Seal of the United States to a gigantic face-palm?
Of course, he’s bullshitting.
Otherwise, he’d have us (well, not us … but his followers) believe he really, really trusts his new BFF Kim, who made absolutely no commitments other than the vague promises that have been out there for over 25 years (while Trump unilaterally ended joint military exercises and maybe promised to give up sanctions - China and Russia will certainly start more trading).
Or, those IAEA inspectors sure work fast. And North Korea used their own nukes to de-nuke all over their own country - you’d think somebody would have heard something about that … like some loud booming noises.
Minus the actual signed document this time.
The country is the stupider for this Stupid Summit.
Or Summit of the Stupid.
Or the Singapore Nothingburger.
Or Fat Man and Rocket Boy.
Or Gross Morbidly Obese German-American White Supremacist Bigot Man With Made-Up Family Name
Murderous Torturing Morbidly Obese Korean Inherited Dictatorship Man
He’s considering a retroactive pardon for Jesus. There is some concern about some comments He may have made about ‘the poor’, ‘passing a camel through the eye of a needle’ etc, that are holding up the process.
Let’s pray He was misquoted. Fake news?
I stand in a wide flat land
No shadow or shade of a doubt
Where the megaphone man
Met the girl with her hand that’s
Covering most of her mouth
Fall in love with a bright idea
And the way a world is revealed to you
Fat man and rocket boy
And most of the show is concealed from view
Monkey in the middle
Keeps singing that tune
I don’t want to hear it
Get rid of it soon
(Apologies to Suzanne Vega)
No and no (ego prevents consideration of such things).
Those republicans that are not brain-washed into the alt reality of Fox (and no longer think at all - just parrot the current cult line) care more about their individual re election than they do about this country.
BULL PUCKY…HE GAVE AWAY THE FARM AND GOT SQUAT…In the future maybe sans-serif details…and screwed SKorea, Japan ,China and our longest allies…
Bloody fat, lying, fraud failure…for a photo opt with no time line…Playing a fool in pursuit of a lover who will jilt us…like most have rejected dotard all his life.
Of COURSE there isn*t Dumpy - WE believe you .