N that’s two
All that’s needed is Capito remaining a no vote and then the fun begins.
N that’s two
All that’s needed is Capito remaining a no vote and then the fun begins.
Stupid and cruel are the hallmarks of Republican healthcare policy.
Not being able to fathom it just shows you still have a soul (or at least a conscience).
O I can see that the GOP is totally damned if they do and utterly damned if they don’t.
I love seeing them like this. It’s going to be a huge campaign issue next year no matter what happens here.
Not to worry. Cornyn, in consultation with Mitt Romney, has arranged
alternate transportation for the gentleman from Arizona.
I wonder if I can get away with saying I wish someone would tie Cornyn to the top of a station wagon and go on a very long road trip?
What’s the rule about whether a senator has to be conscious or alive to cast a vote? Can they just wheel him in and lift his hand up?
In effect, Trump is asking the GOP to become goose steppers. We all know where that leads.
Mr President, time to keep your PROMISE to REPLACE it with something BETTER. How’s that coming along?
Lying, pathetic asshole.
Or the “Projector-or”.
Causes, among the rest of us,
“projectile” vomiting.
This is the world’s most worthless human being. No mind, no talent, no brains, no heart. Nothing but a big mouth that cannot seem to control its verbal diarrhea.
Well, yes.
They COULD have made their Repeal/Replace bill more generous, so more people could be covered, and premiums or deductibles came down…
But that would cost MONEY. The same money they intend to give away as TAX CUTS to those earning more than $250,000 per year.
–> If your HEALTHCARE BILL doesn’t give huge tax cuts to the ALREADY-WEALTHY, then what’s the point? Amirite?
I stick with my point, that the bill was designed to fail. They’ll have to finance it without healthcare “savings” and make the 1% take a smaller windfall, which they will do.
Would some cable news show please run the videos of all the PROMISES Rump made as he lied his way to the presidency. He is just using his favorite but he promised everything to everybody and cheaper than that ol’ Obamacare.
SHOW 'EM !!!
Millions of Americans who voted for Trump need Medicare and the ACA. They have to explain it to their friends and neighbors when they are on their way to the emergency room.
“on there way to the emergency room.” I see you’re a genius, in addition to being an all-around jerk.
I thought you said good night. Now join so you can edit my spelling.